Now, more than ever before, is the right time to stand together and join with Richard.
We just received polling from the last two nights and the race is dead even — 44% to 44%. It’s going to be neck-and-neck. The team working the hardest is going to win.
We’ve always put our faith in our grassroots campaign, not the news media or big money, but in the grassroots. And now, with just days to go, we need you to stand with Richard and help set the record straight.
We need your help to get the truth out about who Richard is – and help fight back against the distortions and misrepresentations currently being pushed by the Washington Democrat machine on behalf of Congressman Joe Donnelly.
Here’s what you can do:
•Go to our Online Action Center and use it to post supportive messages about Richard
•Sign up to work the polls on Election Day
•Sign up to volunteer at one of our phone centers
•Donate to the campaign
We Hoosiers have always stood strong for the right to life – and against those would attack and distort a candidate’s sincerely held religious beliefs for political gain. Let’s continue that tradition and work hard in the final days to finish this campaign strong.
Keep Fighting,
Jim Holden
Campaign Manager
I’m still with Mourdock. A vote for Donnelly is a vote for Obama. Mourdock is not expected to be understood by liberals and non christians. Donnelly stating that he is a fiscal conservative is quite a statement in itself. Sorry the CCO changed support from Mourdock to Donnelly, sort of knee jerk. Most commonsense folks will vote for Mourdock. If Mourdock had of said that every person five years old and older should get an abortion on demand, the liberals would have claimed he was against pregnant 4 year olds.
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So you endorse Donnelly and then post a plea to help Mourdock? Has the CCO developed Multiple Personality Disorder?
The campaign manager is pleading for help, not CCO. I think the idea is to show that Mourdock’s statements have hurt him to the point of the campaign needing to plead for help.
But by posting the call for help, you amplify the message as well. I wouldn’t give them the benefit of an enlarged platform to spread their message.
It does not make any difference what all these out of state liberals think or how much they rant and rave, they can not vote in the election for Indiana’s next Senator.
Sure, the Evansville Courier&Press has a hit piece a day on Mourdock, usually front page above the fold, but that comes as a surprise to absolutely no one. They understand that they can not save Obama so they have shifted their concentration to the Senate races.
All we have to do is go to the polls and vote Mourdock.
Sorry, but Richard has to come over to my way of thinking. I’m like Richard. No compromise. My way or the highway.
“Questions on abortion come up often in Indiana politics from public meetings to questionnaires, and you expect the candidates to succinctly state their positions at this stage. Mourdock could have said, “I am a pro-life candidate and I have been endorsed by Indiana Right to Life.” Period.” (Howey,C&P,10-28-12)
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Mourdock decided that the truth is always the best answer and he stated truthfully his belief in the sanctity of human life.
Some say it could cost him the election. If it does, it will not only cost him, it will cost all of us out here who believe in the sanctity of human life a voice in our federal government.
Some of the areas effected by Congress are beginning of life issues, end of life issues, and eugenics. Only people of high moral and ethical principals should be involved in the process.
You can believe in sanctity of human life without taking a hard line that human life begins at the moment of conception. There are a whole range of medical reasons other than convenience women want or need abortions, and they should be legal up until a certain time.
There is a point before which an embryo has no feeling or brain activity; it’s hard to see the sense in assigning it legal personhood based solely on its potential to become something that will be recognizably alive. If that were the criteria, then male sperm or female eggs could be subjected to the same legal protections. Although like an early embryo sperm have no brains, they particularly seem to swim with a purpose which could easily be mistaken for “life”.
Mourdock’s statement, while following perfectly logically from his accepted premises, illustrates the unfortunate consequences of a hard line, non-nuanced view on the abortion issue. My guess is, none of the people taking such a stance have ever been in any of these hypothetical situations where a medical need for an abortion exists or where a psychological trauma such as a rape has occurred, and they lack the empathy to understand it from any position other than doctrinal.
Besides all of the philosophical difficulties in assigning personhood based solely on religious doctrine rather than scientific data, there are the clearly difficult issues surrounding the allowance of government intervention in the doctor-patient relationship. A disallowed procedure will find a black market in which the dangers are multiplied for everyone. Simple prohibition creates issues about state control over the body I’m sure conservatives can especially appreciate. The rationale of calling a potential mother a “killer” is another non-nuanced view that forgets an expecting mother’s upended hormonal and psychological state.
This is not an easy issue to delve into. In a socially conservative State like Indiana, holding a nuanced view is not always popular.
Anyone who has actually read the Old Testament and understands Mosaic Law understands that the application of strict Biblical doctrine in the world of ethics can be a very dangerous thing in the modern world. To do so would quickly reduce the United States into a theocratic society not unlike Iran with its Sharia Law.
From where do you get your “ethics”? Do you make them up on the fly?
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