Mosby & Whitehouse Appeal Decision Regarding Al Lindsey’s Eligibility to Run for Evansville City Council


David Mosby and Randall Whitehouse have appealed the final judgement of the Warrick County Superior Court where Al Lindsey and the Vanderburgh County Election Board recently prevailed. The attorney for Mosby and Whitehouse is Robert R. Faulkner.



  1. When will they realize that there is nothing for them to win. He is legal, get over it David/Debi Mosby and Randall Whitehouse. MOVE ON!!!!

  2. LOL….there is no end to the arrogance of the Mosby clan, you would think they would devote their attention to helping Missy in her loosing race in the 2nd ward, but I’d guess they would rather beat their heads against that brick wall in the 6th ward…too funny.


  3. it is amazing that an accused removed, a person who can’t pay their bills and is in bankruptcy and last but not least a third one who has over $100,000 worth of federal tax liens filed against him would have the nerve to accuse anyone of wrong doing. White trash does as white trash is. The west side will be so much better off when these <em>removed adjective hillbillies are finally run out of Evansville politics.

  4. I guess they’ve got to do something with their life. They’re not in power anymore and the club they use to hang out in wants no part of them. Now they’re down to just filing pointless lawsuits and sending out the goon Jack Waldroup to see what him and his cape can do for team Loseby.

    • Don’t know where you got your information but I’ve got nothing to do with any lawsuit. I think it’s a waste of time and have told them that very thing. Sorry if you think I’m a goon with a cape. You really need to get out more. Have a nice day.
      Jack Waldroup

      • Apparently you can’t read either Jack. Rails said you’re a goon not a part of this childish lawsuit. I don’t think it takes an expert to see you for who you are and you aren’t even good at it either. You had to abandon mfcdkw. Typical Vandy Dem: always screwing things up and then having to abandon them.

  5. Isn’t Faulkner an officer in the Democrat Central Committee? I think he is. Are they funding these frivilous lawsuits? Which by the way I think that these last 2 lawsuits are also against the Vanderburgh County Election Board, so their lawsuits are also costing the taxpayers money. Thank goodness for candidates like Lindsey, Adams and Davis. People get out and vote on Nov. 8th and put and end to this kind of local politics forever.

  6. I wonder who is paying their legal fees? Oh wait, I am sure Fulkner is giving to them for free since he owes so much in federal tax liens and doesn’t want to pay it. But he’s a good lawyer??? I don’t think so. This is the most ridiculous appeal ever. They have lost 3 times this year, third strike you are out!!! I hope Al does sue these BOYS for his attorney fees. I am sure that the majority of the hard work Al and his committee have done for his fundraisers have gone to pay his attorney. Ridiculous. Go get ’em Al. You’ll show them come November 8th!!!

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