Recommended for a Salary Increase of over $10,000
The packet for the Evansville City Council was distributed today and money is being shifted around to cover at least two of the salary increases recommended by the Salary Review Committee last week. The details are on the following link.
Would it be possible to see the job descriptions and responsibilities for the positions of Chief of Staff and Deputy Director?
The public might want to know what they are getting for their money.
I hear this is the guy that spearheaded (on behalf of the Mayor) the $200,000 advancement loan to EARTHCARE.
WOW –the Mayor wants to give him a $10,000 raise for a job well done.
If John Friend present these salary increases to full council for passage then he is nothing less than damm lier!
In fact he shall lose his public honor after he committed to table any decision of this matter until a 3rd party reviews it.
I hear that the Mayor and City Controller tryed to slip this admendment past City Councilman, John Friend.
Keep cool and wait for Mr. Friend to explain whats going on here.
Many people at the civic center are very disappointed in both the Mayor and City Controller for trying to sneak this political back room deal through so they can give a big pay raise to two (2) of the “Golden 10”.
What is really surprizing to our city employees is the way that Russ Lloyd, Jr. has been conducting himself thoughout this entire situation, He has substained a great deal damage to his personal and professional image of late. They expected this kind of behavior from the Mayor but not Russ.
Oh, I hear that the remaining 8 members of the “Golden 10” are really pi—- off for being left out on this deal. The drama continues!
You ain’t got to try real hard around the civic center to hear just about any wacked out rumor that can be concocted.
Sorry to hear that about Russ Lloyd, Jr. because I always supported him.
When you lay down with dogs you get fleas.
Sounds like a “three dog night.” The Mayor, City Controller and Mayor’s Chief of Staff.
A three dog night is one spent on a very cold winter’s night in Indian country. The three dogs are there to provide warmth for a native American family in their wigwam.
Notice the two “temp” jobs at $25,000 each that are not posted on the employment site? Wonder who is taking those…
Why does the Water Dept. need $35,000 for telephone/TELEGRAPH? Don’t they know about faxes and emails?
What kind of service is this actually paying for? How much did they disburse for telephone/telegraph services in 2011, or even the first six months of 2012?
This sounds more like a “spend it before they cut it from our 2013 Budget Request” end run.
How much is the newly created position entitled “CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER” at the Evnsville Water and Sewer being paid? Is it $50,000, $60,000, $70,000or or $80,000? Was this position and salary approved by the Evansville Salary Administration Committee? Why wasn’t this position advertised publically? Did the newly appointed “CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER” of Evansville Water and Sewer Department work for the past Mayor and was transfer to this newly created position just before he left office?
Why do we give raises to comfy buddies of the mayor whom never get their hands dirty? The refuse workers have to scrape and beg for their pensions (oh there’s nothing we can do about THAT!!!) the police and firemen (who are not particular buddies of the Mayor) have exposure to chemicals, extreme heat, and hazardous materials-police get hit, bitten, go into horrible conditions-we wouldn’t THINK of giving THEM a $10,000 raise. They’ve been forever told that “economic hardships” render the city unable to give them increases-they’re the ones doing the heavy lifting-not the shifty $$$ shifting. I’m sick of Evansville politics-and if I see one more Winnecke Magic Mike film clip, I’m going to barf. The cemetary superintendent sits on his laptop in airconditioned comfort because he knows where more than cemetery bones are buried-make sure HE gets a raise too (God knows he is worthy!! He breaks a sweat just getting out of his vehicle)
I just hope everyone lining their pockets is aware: John Q. Public is watching-and we are sick and tired of it.
I think if you’re going to get that large a raise-you have to trade jobs (and salary) with a refuse worker who really works for a living for two month of the harshest winter months, and several of the harshest summer months-really earn your keep.
I would include job/salary trade with police/firemen-but none of those dainties is man enough.
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