Mole Nation Correct! Reba McEntire Concert Date November 11th



  1. Great,

    That puts the *average* age of the Ford Center acts at 61 years old.

    Keep this up and it’ll be know, in the college crowd, as the Ford retirement village…

    Plus… Weinzapfel, I think we’re *still* waiting for that act that wouldn’t come here BEFORE (You know, to Roberts) because of either the overhead crane capacity, bathrooms etc? Has that officially become a government inspired myth, now?

    • This “top acts won’t come here because the overhead capacity is insufficient at Roberts” stuff is about as truthful as WMD’s and Al qaeda in Iraq was.

      • Wasn’t Iraq at least was proven to have had the *capacity* to make WMD’s? Since the claim was made of Iraq, at least the PRESS worked “diligently” to test the claim?

        In the case of the overhead capacity, the press here is [BLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP].

  2. If Henderson, KY landed Martina McBride, shouldn’t we set our sights a trifle higher ? I mean, they are closing down Green Street for Martina. Will the Lloyd “Express”way be closed down for Reba ?

  3. This is great news for the rigging-on-steroids they installed at the The Areana. Reba weights between 125-135 pounds. A jib crane could be used to lift her, or even a couple of beefy dudes like myself ! She would be ” an easy pickup”, no disrespect intended.

    The Biscuit

  4. The Band Perry makes this a much more viable show. That is one HOT group, received 5 CMA nominations about a week ago, and sold out the 2,300 seats at the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville in 20 minutes. Speaking of hot, go to their web site and watch the video. Kimberly Perry . . . like.

  5. I’d really like to see some bands other than country…. I know Bob Seger will probably put on a really good show but I’d like to see something a little “newer” come that isn’t country!

    • I agree. The entertainment should be for the young people too, not just the over 55 crowd. If they had an all day event with White Stripes, Killers, Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Panic at the Disco, and maybe close out with Rage or Linkin Park this venue could sell out and attract people from other places. This Seger and Reba stuff has no edge. It will draw the good old boys and some people curious about the Ford Center and nothing else.

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