Mole #2.5 says Henderson Gas is $3.15 Today


Mole #2.5 just alerted us that gas in Henderson, Kentucky is selling for $3.15 this morning. He placed the call as he was pulling into a pump to save some of his green.

Mrs. Mole #1 is flustered because she just filled her tank in Newburgh for $3.47.

The typical difference in gas prices is between 5 and 10 cents but this morning the money saving bridge must be magic because only 5 cents of the difference is due to tax rates.

If you are heading to Kentucky or even close this is one of those rare days when the gas price difference may be worth the drive.


  1. Mrs. Mole # 1: The price in Henderson was $ 3.32 Friday afternoon, so it dropped 17 cents over night. Don’t get flustered–just cross that money-saving bridge more often, and enjoy Firedome, Rookies, Mr. B’s or Mandarin House to name a few while checking out the gas prices. Also, take comfort in the fact that while 32 cents a gallon seems like a lot, if you needed 15 gallons to fill up, it’s still less than $ 5 more. The blood pressure medicine to deal with that “flustration” is way more !

    • From your pocket into the coffers of the Arabian peninsula. Where you buy your gas only effects you and paying less is better.

  2. I noticed on Thursday, most of the stations in St. Louis were selling at $3.15. In fact, Springfield, IL, which has higher taxes than Indiana, most stations were in the upper $3.30’s to low $3.40’s.

    Apparently there isn’t enough competition in the Evansville market anymore. We have become one of the highest points in the entire Mid-West for gas. I guess they want to make sure that our natural gas provider isn’t the only one screwing us.

    • Why would Vectren want to sell gasoline? You actually can cross the bridge and buy it. Vectren only sells things that it has a monopoly on.

      Maybe the cost of gas is so high in Evansville because of Vectren. After all gas stations use electricity for all of those lights and to pump the gas into you car.

      Maybe Vectren adds 10 cents a gallon through their excessive pricing.

      • Vectren really doesn’t want to sell you gas or electricity right now. They just want to charge you a flat fee each month for the pipes and wires that deliver it to you. This is why they asked to decouple the cost of electricity in the last rate increase and fortunatley it was denied. The delivery cost has been estimated by the regulators to be 75% of your bill.

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