Misty Hart to Run for Evansville City Clerk 


    Misty Hart, the 2nd Deputy in the Vanderburgh County Treasurer’s Office, on Thursday, January 8, 2015 will file her candidacy for Evansville City Clerk, a position that was held by Alberta Matlock for many years prior to her retirement in June, 2012.

    Hart, a 32-year old graduate of Mater Dei High School, is excited for the opportunity to bring back the friendly atmosphere that Alberta Matlock upheld for many years and plans to bring new ideas to the City Clerk’s Office. Hart is a mother of two beautiful daughters and has been married 6 years to Jerrod Hart. She has been a resident of the West Side of Evansville the majority of her adult life. She is the daughter of Dorothy Lindsey and current 6th Ward City Councilman Al Lindsey. She has one brother, Dustin Lindsey, and a niece and nephew. She is the granddaughter of longtime Democratic Party precinct committeemen and boosters Harry “Red” and Billie Watson.

    Hart has worked in public service since 2000, starting with the Indiana Air National Guard. In June 2002, Misty became a veteran from being called to active duty in February for support of Operation Iraqi Enduring Freedom. She was activated again in August 2005 to provide lodging and mortuary assistance for Hurricane Katrina Relief. In April 2006, Misty went to Alamogordo, New Mexico in effort to prepare more supplies for the Hurricane Katrina military personnel. After her Honorable Discharge in 2006, she began working as a Confinement Officer for the Vanderburgh County Detention Center. In January 2009, she transferred to the Vanderburgh County Treasurer’s office where she was the Tax and Sheriff Sale Coordinator. In February 2010, she was promoted to 2nd Deputy Treasurer, where she has supervised the new property tax bill printing for the past three billing periods. With her assistance, the Treasurer’s Office’s budget for printing the tax bills has been reduced from $65,000 a year to $15,000. Due to her dedication and early preparation, the taxpayers have seen a significant increase in the amount of time they receive notice regarding their property tax payments.

    “I have known Alberta for a very long time and if I win I will do my best to bring the ‘Alberta Matlock’ atmosphere back to the City Clerk’s Office,” Hart said. “Mary Hart, longtime Pigeon Township Trustee and Democrat party icon, is my campaign chairman. I have known Mary literally my entire life and am honored and humbled to have her support. I have been involved with local campaigns since I can remember, from sitting outside the polling places for Democratic Party stalwart Norman “Red” Mosby to walking precincts for Perry Township Trustee Rick Riney, to being the Treasurer for my father, Al Lindsey, in his successful 2011 City Council campaign. I am very excited to let everyone know that I am an extremely hard worker, I am an honest person and I will do my best to make the City Clerk’s office as efficient as possible.”

    “Alberta Matlock has not only publicly endorsed me as her choice for Evansville City Clerk but is also a member of my campaign committee. Alberta has come out of political retirement with the sole intent and purpose of assisting me in my endeavor of being elected as the next Evansville City Clerk,” Hart said.

    “As a proud Veteran of Iraqi Enduring Freedom, I have had the honor and privilege of serving my country in a time of war. That time in service instilled in me my love for our country, my leadership skills, as well as a desire to continue to serve our community,” says Hart.

    “Misty Hart’s commitment and integrity is equally matched by her desire to do what is right for the citizens of Evansville. We fully support Misty in her bid to becoming Evansville’s next City Clerk,” said Steven Davis on behalf of Rick Davis’ family.

    For more information, contact Misty Hart at 812-455-3240


    1. “Misty Hart’s commitment and integrity is equally matched by her desire to do what is right for the citizens of Evansville. We fully support Misty in her bid to becoming Evansville’s next City Clerk,” ( No Name)

      Mr. Editor, who is quoted with that last sentence in this political bio?

      So noted and corrected. Her campaign manager Mary Hart made that statement. It has been corrected.


      • From her facebook post:

        “Misty Hart’s commitment and integrity is equally matched by her desire to do what is right for the citizens of Evansville. We fully support Misty in her bid to becoming Evansville’s next City Clerk,” said Steven Davis on behalf of Rick Davis’ family.

        • Thanks. I’ve been wondering for a while who writes this stuff for Misty and Al. Steve is good with words.

      • I’ve seen Misty many times and this is the first time I ever saw her smile. She has a very pretty smile. Hope she remembers to wear it all through the campaign.

    2. ‘… opportunity to bring back the friendly atmosphere that Alberta Matlock upheld for many years …’

      Glad to see that mentioned. It actually existed and was reflected in her staff’s demeanor. She ran that office right. Almost made you want to go up there to pay your parking tickets.

      I wish Misty Hart the best of luck in her run.

    3. Misty Hart’s candidacy brings more unity to the Democratic ticket in 2015. Nobody can fault this young lady’s service to her country and to this community. It would be nice to see the friendly, courteous atmosphere restored to the City Clerk’s office, and she will do it.

      • So, the democrat party vice chairlady and the 6th ward city councilman running their immediate relative against the sitting democrat city clerk “brings more unity to the Democrat ticket?” Not to mention that the sitting clerk’s father is an influential local union boss? Explain that one.

        • Questions, Do we have a City Clerk now. Don’t see mention of who she is running against ? Who wrote this promotional piece ? Does CCO charge for the campaign ads like this ? Does Ms Hart live in the city limits. (Temp. rented place doesn’t count)

    4. Hopefully under her watch the City Council will not be ambushed again…Laura should have alerted the Council about the parlor tricks of Winnecke in regards to the pocket veto of the Home Rule ordinance…obviously Winnecke is concerned that his capital cronies’ campaign donations will not be so valued…just more betrayal by the anti-Davis crowd…they must think that Davis (RIP) is running in this upcoming election…as Gomer would say…Surprise, Surprise, Surprise..either get on board or get out of the way…this train will be going fast and furious…

      • Yep…Dream Weaver, Messy Mosby, the “Focus on the Chicks guy Scheafer” must be caucusing today…poor old McGinn must feel left out. This comment was taken down by the CCO Editor because we heard from reliable sources that the $30,000 check transaction never happened…..time will tell…we still do not know where the hell the Dream Weaver’s check is???

        • Which one of the council members was it on Monday on the open microphone who suggested another democrat caucus to decide whether to retract the $20 million?

          • Sources indicate that there were no caucuses….the recension was a total surprise and Coucilwoman’s second was a retaliation for Dream Weaver’s nomination of Jerome, her campaign manner and Winnecke’s ambush of the Home Rule Ordinance pocket veto….

      • You mean that isn’t the city council attorney’s job to keep track of the legal time limits attached to the council passing an ordinance and the mayor pocket vetoing it?

    5. A resume, carefully crafted over many years to become a career politicians. Many years of respect for Alberta Matlock until the last election, she pulled a fast one on local citizens. Ran and won an election she knew she would never be able to serve. Smarmy.

    6. Does she have any secondary education ? degrees ?

      How do you go from Confinement Officer to Tax and Sheriff Sale Coordinator ?

      How do you, in one year, go from Tax and Sheriff Sale Coordinator to 2nd Deputy Treasurer ?

      Sorry folks, but this looks like typical Evansville politics where it is less about what you know, and more about what part of town you are from, what high school you went to, who you know, etc.

      There are probably people with college degrees that are far better qualified who would not get those kinds of opportunities.

      Can’t anyone else see how this kind of preferential treatment can cause problems in business and government.

      These comments are not intended to demean Misty Hart in any way.

      • Takes more then a college degree , looks like she started working when she was 18 y/o , the lady is an American Veteran among other different jobs within Vanderburgh County ,she’s a westsider and she’s honest
        Being an honorably discharged veteran is where she has my utmost respect and qualification

        • Did I say that ALL you need is a college degree ?

          What does being a West Sider have to do with being qualified for political office ?

          I can go on, but you would obviously vote for her if she wasn’t qualified, because:

          1)West Sider
          2)Worked after graduating hIgh school. (Like millions of others people don’t ?)
          3)Honest – Only honest people are National guard vets from the West side who worked after graduating high school ?

          It’s this kind of thinking, so common to Evansville, which creates its own problems.

          • Oh I’m sorry
            I thought your 1st question was “does she have any secondary education” or degrees ?

    7. I detest legacies. VC has too many if you will. Political hacks generally. And they generally move from office to office if they are term-limited.

      Speaking of being term limited, Wedding cannot serve another full term after his current term is over because the limit is eight years in a 12 year period for sheriff. He did complete the former sheriff’s term so that counts as part of the eight years.

    8. Yet another insider from the People’s UnDemocratic Cronydom of the Westside bellies up to take her entitled space at the public trough. Hosannas emanate from the moms’-basement-dwellers and their enabling deadbeat Demo demographic moms. I’m shocked.

    9. She has the full support of Rick Davis’s supporters. What about the openly disloyal Democrats that worked against Mr. Davis’s run for Mayor? Will they support her or continue to tear the local Democrat party apart?

      • Mosbys didnt turn on Rick Davis for Mayor. They were in full support.
        It was only the old Central Committee. Riecken and Melcher had no party of that dishonor and were no part of the Owen/Jarvis secret meeting.

        • Missy Mosby was photographed campaigning with/for Winnecke in 2011. She thought it was cute. She went from broke waitress to Real Estate Queen after the election. Doesn’t take a genius to figure out how/why that happened. Especially since she is awful at her job. Just ask anyone who deals with her on multi listings.

      • Red was a highly respected Democrat of the old ,not at all like the current Dems or Messy

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