Milton Friedman on Public Housing in1978



  1. Reagan, Friedman and Sowell, men that speak the truth. Needed more than ever. Thank you CCO.

  2. His definition of modern-day liberal is spot on.
    I agree with him that concentrated housing is terrible because the only examples the residents have are those in the same position as themselves. They have no on from which to learn. I know that one must work or compete with those more qualified than oneself in order to improve. But, the residents of public housing don’t have to work to be in the housing so they have more time for crime and making babies.

    • “I agree with him that concentrated housing is terrible because the only examples the residents have are those in the same position as themselves.”

      Couldn’t disagree more. I would posit that a HUGE reason for the shockingly rapid decline in Evansville housing stock (and subsequent quality of life) in the past few decades is the movement from concentrated public housing to the widespraed scattering of single family or multi-unit Section 8 housing spread throughout the City. I defy any CCO readers to find a single example of well-maintained Section 8 residence whose occupants work towards making their neighborhood a better place.

      It’s simply a myth that spreading the permanent underclass throughout a City will somehow magically make them want to become productive members of society. It just means that there are no longer any neighborhoods free from the blight.

      • I think you’re right. It isn’t enough to have a good example if there’s no initiative to improve. Stan’s reasoning would be sound, but he’s giving the residents, in general, too much credit. It’s hard to fix ‘lazy’, even harder to fix ‘stupid’.

      • I’ve got the answer. Lets move all elected officials to the projects and let them set the examples that these dregs of society need to see.

  3. The “Free to Choose” PBS 10-Part series by Milton Friedman is a must watch.

    Here is Part 1 to get everyone started. This is back when PBS made an effort to be neutral and the Nobel Prize still meant something.

    Milton Friedman “Free to Choose” Part I:

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