Home Political News Midwest Fertilizer Corporation, Indiana’s largest economic development project, keeps moving forward

Midwest Fertilizer Corporation, Indiana’s largest economic development project, keeps moving forward

Posey County Government’s formal offer to Midwest Fertilizer Corporation was signed yesterday in the City of Mt. Vernon with local elected officials, company representatives and fans of the project eager to see this step completed.  The project will bring over $2.1 billion in investment, 200 high-wage jobs and 2,500 construction jobs over a period of three years to Posey County in Southwest Indiana, the largest economic development project currently in the State of Indiana.  Midwest’s CEO Mike Chorlton says the county is a perfect fit for the project and won out over numerous U.S. sites and two Canadian provinces.
Midwest Fertilizer is a new business with many well-known U.S., Japanese and European companies as strategic partners owning 45 percent of the firm. A partner in the new company is the Fatima Group, which is one of the largest and most well-respected industrial concerns in Pakistan.   The new Posey County plant  will manufacture nitrogen-based fertilizers solely for the U.S. market. Midwest Fertilizer Corporation expects to have all permits ready and able to break ground by March of 2014.
“This project has been a team effort by many, many people in our region; and, will be a game changing investment and employer to Posey County and the region,” said John Taylor, Executive Director for the Posey County Economic Development Partnership.  Taylor also added that the project will most likely lead to other business, including maintenance and trucking companies.
The site location for the plant will be the intersection of Mackey Ferry Road and Sauerkraut Lane in the western part of the county.
Picture (L-R) Syed Ahsen Uddin, Director Technology and Mike Chorlton, CEO Midwest Fertilizer Corporation. 


  1. someone said they want’em to sign a agreement about banning the use of that stuff for chicken shit suicide bombs. did they sign that.

  2. Good grief spud, they couldn’t do that anyway. Remember its jobs for your area,progress moving forward and all that.

    Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. chill a bit its the weekend enjoy your night…

  3. Ok your right V but Mt.Vernon already smells like a sulfur fart. guess chicken crap won’t make much difference. almost hold my breath that long passing through only 4 dumbass stop lights.
    Round here its azteca and the rotten corn mix,no wonder no one in their own countries wants the stuff there.Hell if i go in town the evansville smell is like someone took a crap down the center line. Grandpa would dump a load of lye and lime on the whole damn mess.
    I’ll take the gift horse i guess. If congress and the stupid ass government don’t get on the ball i’ll probably have to eat the plug sons a bitch.

    you have a nice evening now

      • Oh boy, don’t quite know where to start with you “Nothing Known”. One thing about old Spud,I don’t think,”you know” What I do know,Spud is retired,from the surface mining,and quarry industries,Spud also is an very good geologist,also a cancer survivor. The renal complications caused by the treatment for that is why Spud doesn’t consume beverages containing alcohol. Hasn’t for several years that I know of. Ole “cuz” went to Purdue and Indiana State after discharge from the military back in the late sixties,tough individual. The old Veteran is available for disability from that,never took it though.
        Always pulled the load for self so to speak.
        I’ll take the frustrations from spud as being fed up with today’s situations politically as pure frustration.
        Being family I do know and realize that,I’m biased with that. If you “knew much” “Nothing” You would know walking a mile in those shoes is an large request. After the radiation and chemo,real large.

        la bera lege

        read my lips

        nemo saltat sobrius

        no man dances sober…….

  4. Jobs are nice, but are they RTW $8/hr jobs w no bennies? Do they still supply terrorists?

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