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Letter To The Editor: Michael Daugherty Announces His Grassroots Mayoral Campaign Philosophy

Letter To The Editor: Michael Daugherty Announces His Grassroots Mayoral Campaign Philosophy
SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

After talking with family members, friends, citizens of Evansville, and campaign workers, and asking for divine guidance, It’s with humility I would like to announce my grassroots mayoral campaign philosophy.

I have a strong belief that many politicians are FOR SALE!  Corporations, PAC Committees, Lobbyists, and Influence Peddlers have caused politicians to make bad political decisions based on benefits to their political contributors.  It is with great pleasure that I hereby announce that I will not be taking any money from Corporations, PAC Committees, Lobbyists, Governmental Vendors, or Influence Peddlers.

It is a common practice for elected politicians to amass large amounts of political campaign contributions while in office.  When politicians leave office with a large sum of money in their campaign contribution accounts, most choose to take it and use it however they see fit. Any contributions left over after my time in office will be donated, and not used for personal gain.

If any voters would like to have a sit-down meeting in a group setting and have a Q&A session with me  I would be happy to oblige.

I would like to reiterate that I am a down-to-earth, hard-working born and raised local boy who happens to have an Electrical Engineering degree and MBA from Purdue University.

It is my strong belief that government shouldn’t do for people what they can do for themselves.  Government shouldn’t give people handouts, but they should give them a helping hand.  The government shouldn’t recklessly spend our taxpayer money but rather invest it wisely.

Finally, I urge you to join my crusade to force much-needed political change because Evansville has an enormous debt obligation and serious infrastructure problems along with low morale issues affecting our hard-working city employees’ job performance.

If you want an experienced CEO for mayor who is transparent, fiscally responsible, fair, and objective, who is a good steward of public trust, and who makes sound business decisions, I would be humbled by your vote!

FOOTNOTE: The City-County Observer posted this letter without opinion, bias, or editing.


  1. This is exactly the person we need to lead Evansville. He has the experience and the drive to get things done.

  2. Wow! A true person representing the citizens and not special interests of corporations. Amazing!

  3. Agree! And what’s up with Winnecke keeping $1-$2 million dollars of his campaign $$ after he leaves office for personal use ??? Disgusting!

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