
    Nate Beeler / Columbus Dispatch

    Raging Moderate by Will Durst

    Don’t look now, but the Democratic Party is undergoing an identity crisis of such monumental proportions, the Dissociative Identity Disorder people have called and are requesting artifacts for their Hall of Fame. They’re going to put Obama’s basketball hoop right next to Sally Field’s purple crayon.

    In the realm of improbabilities, it’s hard to beat… Democrats and their message. A lot like saying the Eskimos and their convertibles. The Mormons and their all-night dance marathons. ISIS and their art appreciation seminars.

    In the wake of suffering what can only be described as the most gruesome drubbing in the history of midterm elections, and yes, that includes the Republican sweep following The Panic of 1893, the Democrats commissioned a report to investigate what the hell went wrong and how to get their mojo back. Although, Harry Reid using the word “mojo” is probably not something you want to be ruminating upon right before bedtime.

    Ironically, this was the same self-analysis Republicans turned to after losing the presidency in 2012 to a black guy named Husssein in the middle of a lousy economy. There’s a word for contemplating your navel as a form of meditation: omphaloskepsis. And who can dispute that Democrats are the most naturally omphaloskeptic of the major parties? With Tea Partiers suffering from sesquipedalophobia – fear of long words. And Libertarians most likely to be ablutophobic – which is fear of bathing.

    This election post-mortem was based on interviews and studies and surveys and astrological forecasts and ratings on IMDB of the first two Hobbit movies and some random notes found on the backs of spindled lunch receipts and fortune cookie messages but only from indigenously correct restaurants in the Chinatown sections of four large metropolitan areas on the west.

    Though the official report isn’t scheduled to come out until May, preliminary findings of the soul-searching have been released, and the Dems have come to the considered opinion that it isn’t their message keeping them from a humongous pile of electoral victories, but the delivery of it. This time they really do blame the messenger. And it’s them.

    Yeah, and Domino’s would be renowned for terrific pizza if only they could figure out how to keep it from arriving cold and mealy with congealed cheese stuck the inside top of the box. And they used quality ingredients. Oh yeah, there’s that.

    Amazingly, this is the same exact conclusion the GOP reached in their post-Romney autopsy. You have to wonder if these guys use the same consultants. And guess what, they do.

    Former Democratic National Chairman and Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell blamed his party’s inability to get their point across because “our message is reasonable and intelligent, and almost inherently nuanced.” Well, there’s your problem right there. Inherently nuanced? Yeah, that floats down the middle of Main Street like a buzzard on a zephyr.

    Hey guys, the answer is pretty simple. You want to be the smart party, stop doing stupid stuff. You want to be known as a party with a winning message, quit being such losers. Want the middle class to turn to you for opportunity, provide some middle class opportunity. For crum’s sake, stand for something. Anything. Besides the national anthem, that is.


    Copyright © 2015, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate.


    1. Isn’t his approval rating up? At least it was before the whole republican bibi stunt. Go ahead and move to Israel, POV. Hopefully we’ll stop sending my tax dollars to you though. Can any of you republicans explain why you’re OK sending money to one of the richest countries in the world but routinely ask to take food out of the mouths of hungry children right here in this country?

    2. Sure, because Israel isn’t one of the richest countries and no one is taking food from children.

      • Please don’t confuse a Liberal with facts, it only upsets them. Just nod your head, smile and make sure they don’t eat their crayons.

        • Yea right. Never tell a Conservative Right Wing nut that the earth is round not flat. That really will confuse the hell out of them.

    3. Nate. You left out the most important reason dems were crushed in the last elections. According to DNC chair Shultz, it was dems, particularly Harry Reid, unnatural obsession with the Koch brothers.
      In reality the biggest single reason was their obsession with amnesty for illegal aliens.

      • You’d rather keep them here as slaves, we get it. The election was no mandate. They picked up some gerrymandered seats in deep south blood red states on an off year with low voter turnout. Woopty doo.

        Yes, no matter how much you deny it, the Koch Bros ARE anti working man. You’re just a sheep.

    4. Will you neocon trash answer me one thing? Why are you so willing to let the Republicans turn our country into a province of Israel?

      • Will you bloated, whiny, leftist troll answer me one thing? How do you any survive with the warped and demented view you have on reality? Your rants and cries of victimization are getting a bit droll.

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