Members of the Evansville Bar Association are volunteering at “Annual Day of Service.”


Members of the Evansville Bar Association are volunteering their time on Saturday, September 19, 2015, to spruce up the Pigeon Creek Greenway for their second annual “Annual Day of Service.” September 19, 2015 is a state-wide Day of Service for Indiana attorneys, during which attorneys from across the state will come together in their local counties to engage in hands-on community service.

The Evansville Bar Association members will assemble at the Garvin Park fountain at 8:00 a.m. and will begin to work from the trailhead at Garvin Park  and work toward the Evansville riverfront. From the riverfront, the volunteers will move toward the Highrail, which is the next section of the Greenway to be completed. The volunteers intend to remove graffiti, weeds, and litter.

Chair of the 2015 EBA Day of Service Project, Jean Blanton of the law firm of Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel & Shoulders, explained the reason the Bar Association selected the Pigeon Creek Greenway for their community service project:  The course for the Evansville Half Marathon includes the length of the Pigeon Creek Greenway.  The Bar Association in conjunction with the City of Evansville and the City of Evansville Department of Parks and Recreation wish to put our City’s best foot forward as we welcome many people to our great City.

For more information, please contact Jean Blanton at or (812) 424-7575.