McCurdy Taxes Delinquent: ERC Deadline to Perform Passes


The Vanderburgh County Treasurer in a phone conversation with the City County Observer stated that as of 4 pm today that the real estate taxes owed City Centre Properties LLC of Carmel, Indiana on the McCurdy Hotel have not been paid. The latest of a series of extensions to perform that was granted by the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has expired without the taxes being paid as the agreement specified and of course without any reported confirmation that any financing has closed.

All eyes will now be on the ERC in next week’s meeting to see if this can will be kicked down the road to the Winnecke Administration and the next ERC.

Link to Assessor’s website.


  1. Just to clarify, I believe the deadline of November 30th was to have the financing for the project 100% completed. The deadline of November 30trh was not for the payment of the property taxes, as the taxes were due 20 days ago.

    • “Redevelopment Commission President Bob Goldman said the reassurance from Salmon that the lenders were interested in the deal warranted a fourth extension to Nov. 30. Goldman said he was told by Salmon the lenders should be prepared to close by then.

      Along with the encouraging news of the financing for the project, Goldman said no other developers have come forward with ideas.

      “We’ve got nothing else, so we’re choosing to ride this one out,” Goldman said.”—ev_mccurdy/

      The idiotic ERC has been riding this dead pony for four (4) count them years. The ERC is baffled each and every time another “deadline” passes and the long-time ERC leader finally realizes the ERC has “got nothing else”. No options after 4 years of complete failure? Thanks ERC! Mayor Winnecke must make this McCurdy project his top priority as it is a huge visible Riverfront embarrassment to our fine City.

  2. City Centre Properties LLC of Carmel, Indiana may have observed how lax the city of Evansville can be when it comes to collecting taxes on commercial property. After all, in the past The Kunkel Group did not pay any property taxes for a full year on the former Unclaimed Freight property on Governor Street.

    Just before Kunkel cut their deal for the Walker building they got current on the Governor Street property. It might have been too much for the public to bear to find out that Kunkel bought the Walker building for ten dollars while they had not paid property taxes on the Unclaimed Freight building in over a year.


    • Or maybe Kunkel got current on the Unclaimed Freight building just before they put their hat in the ring to do the new hotel. It was one or the other, and I do not have my notes handy at the moment.

  3. I heard that City Centre Properties LLC had hired Jake and Elwood, The Blues Brothers, to get those property taxes paid by midnight Wednesday. Could the Treasurer’s office stay open later to accommodate them ? I hope local law enforcement will be present when The Blues Brothers hit town, and that there are no nuns around to give them a beating !

      • Press, yes, this was exactly the scene today. Lots of confusion, the Blues Brothers were trying to pay the taxes for the St. Helen of the Blessed Shroud orphanage of Calumet City, IL–and Rick Davis kept saying he would post it to The McCurdy !

  4. Would anyone show interest in a home that has a sold sign in the front yard? Why would the ERC expect other interest in the McCurdy when the deal is considered done? duh!!!!!!!

    • JSK, until the ERC has a leader and members smart enough to understand your highly complex advanced real estate theory, the McCurdy debacle will continue and the ERC will work their similar magic on the Executive Inn project.

      • What is the Executive Inn ? Is that a proposed high-end hotel which caters to businessmen ?

      • The ERC is only doing what the person who appointed them is telling them to do….which is run out the clock so his administration can part ways with CCP on good terms, and leave the mess for the next mayor to clean it up, it leaves Weinzapfel in the position where he can say he did everything he could (above and beyond) to make this a reality…it just wasn’t in the cards for CCP and it not my fault.


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