McCurdy Getting the Mowing that it Needs: Rats Scatter and Snakes Evacuate


Delicious Lunch at the McCurdy Patio Cafe'

City County Observer leads the charge in forcing much needed action

The City County Observer was just made aware that the McCurdy Hotel is having its grass mowed for the first time this year as we write? Just yesterday one of our Moles reported that there were two fat and well fed snakes that were sunning themselves in the $603,000 parking lot that they call home?

The snakes were attracted to this downtown location mainly because of the close proximity to their favorite outdoor restaurant on the grounds of the McCurdy that has been serving up plump rats for a minimal effort for a couple of months now. Mole #7 has reported that the family of snakes who were the first family to move to the McCurdy were heard hissing and cursing as they scurried away at the first sounds of a lawn mower? The snakes were heading south into the Historic District in search of a new rat infested weed patch to establish a residence.

The rats that originally drew the snakes to the building were seen frantically climbing the Mayor’s beanstalk to the second floor and squeaked their intention to compete with their flying cousins the pigeons for food? That devilish Mole #666 called in to report that a crocodile was also seen vacating the building for his preferred domain of the Ohio River where he can dine on the Pigeon Creek Piranha? There has been no other reported sighting of the crocodile though so we think that true to form that Mole #666 is lying to us again?

In all seriousness, the City County Observer is pleased to see the mowing crew on the task and is even more proud of the fact that we called attention to this neglected eyesore. We advocate for good public policy and this is at least a one day example of good public policy? We hope that the member of the Evansville Redevelopment Commission whose office looks out of the ONB building at the McCurdy will feel safe walking in heels in front of the nice mowed lawn that may no longer be the home to rats, mice, and snakes.


  1. Kudos to CCO for spearheading this, it would seem someone downtown is reading the CCO daily, taking notes, and reporting to their handlers what is being said, for this problem to go on for so long and just now get some attention speaks volumes….but then again maybe someone from the shrine made a phone call and got-it-done….either way I’m sure the past yard tenants just moved over to the River House.

  2. After these excellent articles highlighting the McCurdy money pit decay snafu, don’t expect the CCO to be invited to the regime’s farewell party.

  3. Thanks to the CCO for staying on this story and not letting the City of Evansville off the hook. Make no mistake, without the CCO the city would not be mowing this grass, nor would they be holding the Mayor’s big donor accountable. You guys have done more to make Evansville a better place than all of the politicians have for years. Please keep it up.

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