McCurdy Extension Granted to City Centre Properties LLC


In an expected move the Evansville Redevelopment Commission has extended the time for City Centre Properties to October 31, 2011. In an unexpected but appropriate twist the ERC made that extension contingent upon the payment of over $12,000 of delinquent real estate taxes owed by City Centre Properties. There was no mention of an additional tax bill looming of over $10,000 that will be due in early November.


  1. Well go figure. Im sure Mr. Barnett has told CCP not to worry about that pesky tax bill, it will “just disappear.”

  2. ERC should kick the can far enough down the road that Joe Wallace can pick the ball up as Rick Davis’s new DMD director. You think?

    • There is not enough money on this earth for me to have an interest in Tom Barnett’s job. If you are joking then good joke. If you are serious or have heard such a rumor then I can put that to rest right now. It is not happening.

      • Hold on Joe, I just got off the phone with the President and he said he is getting ready to print some more! Will that change your mind?


        • Oh I might consider it if he gives me the printing press. The I could give Tom a raise and keep him working while I stay home and run the printing press all day.

  3. I’m shocked they need an extension….just like the chief of police of Casablanca was shocked there was gambling going on just before he collected his winnings…my only question is, who is “winning” with respect to the McCurdy project.

    I hope the E R C had the commitment letter in hand before they did the extension or signed the agreement to buy the extra parking lot.

  4. At this point it is hard to determine whether this is a here-to-fore lost Three Stooges short feature film or an episode of Amos ‘N’ Andy. Hold on, maybe it’s a Dead End Kids feature film…

    Give it up, Ron: The fat lady sang her song long ago. One day Whiney-zupple will regret not leveling the McCurdy to locate The John on the riverfront.

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