The City County Observer has learned that the City of Evansville has a $5 million dollar unfunded liability that wasn’t reported to City Council by the Office of the Mayor during recent budget hearings. Neither Mayor Winnecke, his Chief of Staff, nor City Controller Russ Lloyd Jr. reported this significant material information to the Evansville City Council before they voted on the 2014 budget. It has been reported that some members of the City Council would have considered further budget cuts had they known that the City of Evansville has a $5 million dollar unfunded liability for city employees comp time.
The Evansville Fire Department alone has an unfunded comp time liability is $1.5 million. The Evansville Police Department employees have about $1 million dollars in unfunded comp time owed to them. All of the other city run departments have a combined comp time liability of about $2.5 million dollars. The State Board Accounts didn’t meet the November 1, 2013 deadline to make the 2012 city audit public. Inside sources tell the CCO that the official 2013 city audit won’t be released by the State Board of Accounts sometime during January, 2014?
This is a developing story
Someone, PLEASE-tell me WHEN we’re going to STOP PUTTING UP WITH THIS???????
The money in question DOES NOT BELONG to the the City Council, OR the MAYOR. It isn’t their money!!!! It is their responsibility to place it carefully, but it is not in the Toy Chest-
It’s not real money , like you said its TAXPAYERS MONEY and they need to be held accountable , numerous people need to be fired and in front of a court of law…..
Maybe Winnecke is like Obama. He may be too busy making dance videos and calling press conferences to congratulate himself to even notice a $5 Million obligation. You don’t go to jail for being an oblivious dumb ass. Shallow is as shallow does.
This has been a problem with the past several administrations….it did not begin with this one.
Yes, I’m not defending the practice but I believe this has never been budgeted for. My understanding is, when someone leaves and is paid out, they leave the position open until the wages are recouped. Silly way to run things…
Oh, yes, the past has been the future? Who was in the past, Longstanding council members, back room political rainmaker and boss Curt John, past president of the city council Keith Jarboe, of course, political puppet of Curt John, BJ Watts just to mention a few. So, let’s keep on performing poorly under the examples of political dictatorship of Weinzapfel and Co….
Hey, Meter Maid, agreed that it is a blessing that the three musketeers [John,Watts, & Jarboe] are at the curb!!!
meter maid….I’ll ask you again since you removed my last post. Why didn’t you mention the rest of the council members? Anxiously awaiting your response :0
Maybe because the rest of the council was not so open about making inside deals to profit from the things they voted on. Every council has their bad apples. Right now it is Weaver and Mosby. Prior to them I think the meter maid hit the nail on the head. She probably should have included Mosby though although Mosby does not seem to be an inside deal maker. Mosby just buddies up to the skunks so they keep her in a job when she is between jobs.
BeatCop=MeterMaid…..How many names do you have? I have cancelled your Florida reservations, but your lovely wife still has a room 🙂
I hate to bust your bubble on trying to equate these two. They are not one in the same. I have access to the IP addresses and these two posters are not even in the same state. BeatCop is posting from Florida but MeterMaid is posting from Evansville. Neither are the person you seem to think they are.
You speak the truth. Evansville is in it’s 10th year of corruption and secrecy. Damn near the whole council under Weinzapfel was crooked. Two council members even put a bar across the street from the Ford Center to make money from something they voted for. That is the epitome of corruption.
Isn’t this what the Mayor said when he fired Sherman Greer? I mean if they fired Sherman for his office assistant accruing too much overtime or comp time then why not fire the Police Chief and the Fire Chief for the same reason?
It’s like I said before, there was more to firing Sherman that they said. They used the excuse of accrued comp time as a official reason for his termination. Yet they put up with this at the Fire Department, the Police Department and other city offices. It’s a common practice with the city.
When it come to Evansville politicians, they are afraid to talk about how much of our budget is spent on the EPD. The percentage of our city budget that goes to the police is absurd.
I hope, and sooner rather than later, that a young ambitious member of this community with unimpeachable character would rise to the surface of this hayseed swamp and can be a real leader. It would be such a breath of fresh air that many would find it as a foreign experience.
And as soon as that young ambitious person with unimpeachable character voted on something that some people didn’t like, they would be called a crook like they call anyone else that doesn’t agree them.
waitamin….agree 100%
The “Pound of Flesh” (obedience) taken by the Establishment, if you want to run with the “Organization”(aka-“party”) backing/help/money, is a Big Factor, and the threat of “Crucifixion” by the modern tabloid press, with it’s hammer and nails, waiting for any revelations about a person’s foolish youth (who is not guilty of that?) or a misstep or stumble when trying to articulate a position on an issue. These Factors,—This Toll,– taken on a candidate that you describe, AND, their Family, stops most, but not all from seeking office.
Thus, the “Pros” at this game, have the pawns boxed in folks.
There have been several people from young to middle aged who have tried to fight the machine politics of Evansville. They have be cast out by liars and deceitful people. Most have left town and are doing well elsewhere.
When the Weinzapfel-Winnecke alliance finally gets overturned hopefully the people of Evansville will shake off a 12 year stupor and start to elect some decent human beings. Being in that web sucks the soul out of you.
Look a Winnecke’s Chief of Staff now as opposed to 5 years ago when he was young and unadulterated. He doesn’t even look the same. It will take that guy 10 years to get back to who he was after spending only a few years as the mouthpiece for the meatgrinder.
“The Evansville Fire Department alone has an unfunded comp time liability is $1.5 million. The Evansville Police Department employees have about $1 million dollars in unfunded comp time owed to them.” (CCO)
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How many full or part-time employees could you hire for that $2.5 million, eliminating the need for much of the overtime?
this town has been run by democrats with all their friends and relatives getting government jobs and government favors for years…….evansville is now and has been for awhile broke……spend money on bells and whistles while the citys infrastructure falls apart……dilapidated housing crack gone wild…..yes detroit is evansvilles near future……
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