Mayor’s Chicken Fat Video Inspires Ford Center Employees to make their own video



  1. The Ford Center employees should spending their time and energy on doing something productive. Like bringing income producing entertainment to Evansville.

    Amazing that our elected officials would allow employees of a for profit busniess to use a $129 million dollar facility (Ford Center) for free to produce this stupid video.

    We wonder why we are having a brain drain here in Evansville.

  2. I hope this video isn’t passed on to other cities.

    They could use this video for a reason why one should not choose Evansville to expand their next business venture.

    What a waste of tax payers time and money!

    This is shameful! What idiots!

    No wonder why people are leaving Evansville by the masses.

  3. This is almost as silly as the first video. Is this what they really spend their time and efforts on?

  4. Stupid is as stupid does!

    Wonder how many events does the Ford Center have scheduled for August and September? Zero or one?

    Also wonder if Venue Works paid back to the city the $75,000 start up loan made to them by the past Mayor?

    Are the Frod Center employees really being paid to do stupid stuff like this? WOW!

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