Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke lashed out at the pollsters at Gallup who published a study about the “well being” of the people of greater Evansville this week. Gallup polled over 700 people in greater Evansville along with similar sampling percentages in the other 188 metro areas polled. Gallup’s data resulted in a ranking for Evansville of 180th out of 189 metro areas for well being. The Mayor naturally was offended by this ranking.
In his rebuttal Mayor Winnecke asserted things like an improving unemployment rate, a hotel that will soon be built, and I-69 as reasons that we should not be ranked so low. He also cited a once a month free exercise class as good reason that we should not be judged as unhealthy. The interview in the video took place at the Ford Center where the NCAA Division 2 Basketball quarter finals drew sparse crowds of 757 and 477 to the first two sessions in a $127.5 Million venue that seats just over 10,000.
The important thing about this survey that seems to have escaped Mayor Winnecke’s awareness is that it is a composite of what the people of Evansville think about the situation in greater Evansville RIGHT NOW. The other thing the Mayor seems to have missed is that this study is a relative ranking. No where in the study does it say that Evansville is an unhealthy and unhappy place to live. What it does say is that RELATIVE TO THE OTHER 188 METRO AREAS IN AMERICA, EVANSVILLE RANKS #180. Evansville may well be a perfectly acceptable place to live while ranking 180 out of 189.
Right now does not include a hotel downtown and a handful of traditional entertainment venues zoos, parks, and museums do not offer any amenity that other cities don’t also offer. While the Mayor seems to want to earn a high ranking, it is time that he learned that fun and games are not and never will be a substitute for high paying careers, state of the art infrastructure, and exemplary schools.
If and I do mean if Evansville ever repairs the sewers, eliminates the blight, finds a way to magnify creative and hi-tech job opportunities, and stops dwelling on amusement, this ranking will rise. Until that happens we can expect a video per year expressing disappointment and disbelief about Evansville’s bottom of the barrel ranking in well being when compared to other American cities. Perhaps it is time our Mayor and our leaders started listening to the 700+ people that Gallup surveyed instead of refuting the results in the echo chamber we all know as the Civic Center.
Winnecke + Parke + Abell = 3 x the DERP This just one part of a problem that can stopped with getting the vote out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Really, Mr. Mayor? There are really only so many times you can visit a museum, park, or zoo. The Farmer’s Market in Indy makes sense, because it is a busy, vibrant downtown. In Evansville, not so much. The hotels in a city don’t impact the lives of the residents much, unless the residents are paying for them.
The crime-ridden inner city, failing sewers and water mains, bad roads, and financial woes, both public and personal, are impacting residents in a negative way much more than the positive effects of T-shirts and a “Chicken Fat” video.
The bright spot on the horizon for the City is the Medical School. I just hope it winds up in this county.
So, why the hell do you stay here?
I agree. When a city touts their museums, parks and zoo(s) you know they are holding a weak hand. Seems like anytime a town morphs into a “city” the first things they think they need are museums, parks and zoos.
Having lived in several large cities like the size of Denver and Houston, maybe I’m weird but those things have never been an attraction for me, nor were they ever a motivator to choose a place of residence.
As for a cities downtown area. No matter where I have lived the only reasons I would go there was to conduct business. And again, no where have I lived has the condition or state of a cites downtown ever been a factor as a choice of residence.
In the end, regardless of where I have lived I stay away from that cities down town as much as possible. Evansville doubly so.
Don’t forget, “Evansville government” has no ties to the Museum, it is private entity. I learned that the hard way over a year ago when I was down there!
You’re right,We personally donate yearly to your local Museum,along with some other areas museums,due some family ties. The place has really moved forward while under direction of Mr.John Streetman,and his people,hated to see him retire. We do however think his guidance over the years has set and maintained the Museums forward altitude for years to come. However,its not a main reason to visit or reside in your town,a cleaner well balanced environment behind it while sitting on the banks of the Ohio would drive that for the better.
The arts and science for youth programs can really take the Museum to a higher altitude with the right vision applied,this should be coordinated with the CVB and the EVSC through exchange stays from regional school systems for designed program contact for selected advanced student groups per day trip radius from the metro.
The Museum and Historical contact to the Angel site,New Harmony the USI campus,UE. You’re SE1st Riverside historical district tours.
Mentored through elementary education students at USI/UE,even weekend two nights,downtown commerce,and family heads and beds contact included.
Educational arts and science pathway mentoring for a really positive impression for your community. Its there you all need to use it more.
“poor is the pupil who does not surpass his master.” (Leonardo DaVinci)
One other thing about that downtown,those who want to succeed there,assume everyone shares their thoughts on its development plan,if it even has one.
Many places have made the shift in usage concept and pulled a downtown redevelopment off. Those usually do have a overall approach that combines the rest of the communities needs with its,so, the plans work.
The gateways into your downtown are not very attractive for a passageway expectation. The blight bombard one must pass through kinda sets the mood so too speak. The traffic throughput all but leaves you at those poor points of infrastructure contact for maximum absorption aspect somewhat.
Seems one gets stopped right square where the ugly is the worse case for the expectation one might have abstracted through the metro CVB propaganda.
Evansville needs new core infrastructure throughput with multiple-function purposing. That blend can be achieved through project coordination focused on throughput and basic whole town infrastructure improvements.
Steps based on some really focused environmental clean up for Climate change adaptation,and increased well being through an healthy environmental signature.
We’ve discussed my personal vision on how this can be phased into a urban connectivity plan such as having an strong similar usage featuring such as Mr. Baer has mentioned time in, time out.
I do find working solutions in some of those conceptualizations as they are in design to elevate the surrounding neighborhoods throughout each planned phase.
Not hard stuff,very doable,this also increases the attractiveness of the entry gateways and brings throughput to a tolerance level that is acceptable by projected 21st century standards.
Actually the planning would include increased balance sustainability* in commerce returns for positive funding revenues per phase and steps applied at each separate gateway touch point.
The technology is available today to achieve and execute such planning. Logistical specifics are blessed with a multitude of viable companies offering visionary applications for about any US regional.
“If and I do mean if Evansville ever repairs the sewers, eliminates the blight, finds a way to magnify creative and hi-tech job opportunities, and stops dwelling on amusement, this ranking will rise.”
If Evansville doesn’t get an emergency dose of good governance and innovative planning, soon this will be known as “the Newburgh area.”
Oh please! Newburgh is nothing more than a bedroom community for Evansville, and a place where white folks can ensure their kids won’t have to go to integrated schools.
So…..I’m to assume that Mr Mayor was offended by the Gallop poll which used a much larger sampling (700) than the poll Mr Parke commissioned (300) to get that 70% approval rating but believes the Parke poll?
Typical….. 😉
I’m sure this speech may seem logical or reasonable to the causal local who doesn’t really follow city development on the national level, but to anyone looking at this speech from any progressive city, it shouldn’t take long for the problems with this city/region to expose themselves in this speech fairly easy.
– Don’t try to use Evansville’s handling of the Div II Elite Eight as some prop for a success story. There’s a reason why Sioux Falls, the next stop for this tournament, is hosting this event in their 3,200 seat Pentagon despite building a brand new 12,000 seat arena AND keeping their current arena for trade shows, their home show, and their shrine circus. So don’t even waste your time trying to convince somehow that you’ve created a sustainable tournament when only 750 or so seats are filled out of over 9,400.
– Don’t try to claim you’re a healthy and thriving city and then mention an interstate, especially one that is currently plowing through acres of forests. That may fly in the truck stop Midwest but any millenial is going to see right through this. And of course, don’t try to explain the independent study(ies) conducted on it.
– The fact that the med school was mentioned is a problem. Either 1.) Downtown has already been chosen and you’re bragging too early or 2.) Downtown won’t be chosen and you just propped up another project that will be used against you.
– The Zoo? Aside from the fact that animal rights are finally starting to crack down on these places (and rightfully so), I can’t think of one amenity spurred off of the Zoo. I can however think of one that is sitting next to it rotting away.
– The Hotel? You mean the one that, five years and counting, is still unable to do what the Big E did for decades? And if you ever wonder why you’re in that predicament see your position on the interstate.
Anyone who thinks the city is somehow, someway moving forward in some kind of coordinated way needs to seriously take a look at going on a road trip to other cities. Ready, Fire, Aim is ruling the day and there doesn’t appear to be any change in sight.
I agree with all you say, but the Med School mention is especially troubling to me. My imagination may be running wild here, but I wonder if hizzoner was given an “in” on getting the Med School put downtown, but the proposal is just to crappy to be accepted. That would explain why he’s looking for an excuse and someone to blame for not getting it there. Hence, the ridiculousness about rescinding the Earth Care loan. I still am wondering if the hotel really has definite financing, too.
“I can’t think of one amenity spurred off of the Zoo. I can however think of one that is sitting next to it rotting away.” DING!
One other thing- Thanks to the CCO for mentioning fighting the blight.
The Building Commission, led by Ben Miller, has welcomed my efforts with open arms and I really do appreciate it. It’s amazing that the whole city is on the same thought process now on fighting the blight.
There’s still a lot of behind the scenes work going on but I can tell you this- Great things are happening to finally bring back respectability to our buildings and houses.
I avoid driving downtown, except when I have an absolute need. Most cross streets are not marked with the street name, except with a small sign on the corner. Why not a large sign across the intersection where the cross street name can be read from a half block before the intersection. Also, there is typically no marking on which lanes are thru and which are turn only until the intersection. At the intersection, the markings are sometimes worn and hardly legible. Why not more markings over the intersection so that there is advanced warning for the lane intentions. Easiest way for me is to stay out if downtown! Downtown does not add anything to my quality of life in Evansville.
Driving downtown is not hard at all. If you can’t figure out where a turn lane is, you shouldn’t be driving.
It doesn’t help the Mayor’s credibility that his administration allowed the City to get caught up in a “let’s put crosses on public land” controversy.
WHERE are the Mayor’s priorities when he gets his administration involved in a stupid, distracting, infantile issue like that?
I simply can’t vote for they guy ever again because of his involvement in the stupid cross issue.
And I’m not surprised when I see Evansville’s brand being bashed overall because of he made the ignorant cross issue a priority.
He should have told the truth about it, and said that the churches were going to sue the City if it wasn’t approved.
I don’t believe that is what happened.
Instead, it strikes me as nothing more than political pandering to the religious right and trying to make a name for himself for a run at higher office in the future.
Unfortunately for him, the trend is for the religious bigots, christian/muslim/zoroastrian or otherwise, to stay the hell out of government.
He stepped in it big time, and there’s a price for that.
Here is the direct quote from the attorney who argued the case for the City:
“Vonderahe said that had the Board of Public Works voted to reject the cross display, the consortium of churches that proposed likely would also have sued.
“We were going to find ourselves at the end of an unwanted lawsuit regardless of what the Board of Public Works did,” Vonderahe said.”
There has never been any denial from the churches, so I think Mr. Vonderahe spoke the truth.
That the city gets a lawsuit filed against it is a matter of routine.
I understand your point and take no great exception.
But I continue to dismiss fear of receipt of a lawsuit filing motivated the City’s leadership on this. It was political pandering to a nut-case group of people.
@ Weinz: I agree that they decided to “Tea-pander” as they were forced to take a position on the issue.
It wasn’t like he didn’t have plenty of time to come to the truth. If my memory is correct, by no means a certain thing, I think you brought up the possiblilty of the blackmail threat by those churches way before Vonderahe or anyone else did.
I think the threat of a suit was their cover excuse, to be used if needed. Nobody is weak enough to cave to a threat like that. If they are they have no business running anything.
I think they thought it would look better to be sued by the ACLU on behalf of residents that objected than to be sued by a group of churches.
Don’t forget that this lawsuit was an easy way to rack-up billing hours for TZ’s law firm! It was a winner even when it was a loser, if you look at it from that perspective.
I know. And I hate to sound cynical but that might be what drove the whole thing. I don’t think the city is in very good hands right now. Nothing would surprise me, except competence.
I fully expect to see the 5 or 6 fittest of those plastic pluses to be ensheathed in Nazarethan Spandex, right there on the floor with Hizz’ in the next exercise video. Doing some of the most righteous pushups imaginable. Oh Lordy.
Gee, this helps explain a lot about your mindset. You hold a grauge and are an atheist/church & religion hater. You are still harping on something from months ago and you try to portray it as a black mark on the city. Wake up, no one outside of the tri state area gives two craps aboutEvansville. And especially they could care less about a display that was up for a brief time period.
Shows why you are like the the way you are on here. No morals, blame everyone else for everything. Here you call the religious bigots, yet you are the one who is unable to move on when something doesn’t float your boat. I am not religious and their display didn’t bother me. I wasn’t forced to stare at it for days. Life is too short to hold a grudge like you clearly do against those who have found happiness and contentment.
The Mayor screwed up investing time in church matters. It was a stupid decision. Pointing out he is neglecting his duty is a grudge?
Morality is a good thing. Law and order and Constitutionality are a good thing. Separation of church and state is a good thing.
Legislating religion is stupid. Putting religious displays on government ground is stupid. Investing taxpayer dollars in religion is stupid. And your arguments…make no sense.
I don’t believe we’ve ever met, so where do you get off making the statement that I have no morals? You seldom make a comment that adds to the conversation, so I usually ignore you, but you went beyond the pale here.
Sometimes I am just amazed at how you freedom fighters miss no bigots except yourselves in wielding your swords of truth and righteousness. You can’t herd religion behind a fence and claim it is religious freedom.
This doesn’t make any sense, acknowledging what you wrote is trying to be cryptic I guess.
You can’t deny US citizen voters their right to equal access to the law for interracial marriage, sames-sex marriage or inter-faith marriage. The Supreme Court, each time, put the bigots in their place stopping those abominable laws as unconstitutional.
People used religious justification insisting bans on EVERY SINGLE ONE of those issues at the time. And every single time they were wolves in sheep’s clothing, NOT defending their religious rights.
Indiana Enoch, you are insulting the Cross hiding behind it as a bigot.
Acknowledging this thread is about trying to idiotically put religious displays on government land, not same-sex marriage. What they both have in common is religious groups trying to cross the line of separation of church and state. (Go ahead, blab about how their is no separation….)
We have ways of settling different POV.
For business it goes to the owners, partners, CEO or BOD.
For societal issues and public policy we have elections.
For the rights of men and women we have the constitution and the Courts.
For science matters we use the scientific method.
Those aren’t perfect categories and some could could argue which should ultimately decide but those are the general rules.
Pretty much every EVSC football coach leads their team in prayer before and after each game, from freshman level all the way to varsity. They’re just begging for a lawsuit.
We observed the article, here Brains: An religious mascot,relative to the metro/county image discussion. http://www.thomas- effinger.com/images/reise_reportage/indien_delhi_waste_pickers_IMG_4918.jpg
Yeah, we have to protect those young athletes from dangers of religion. It’s amazing that we have survived these decades of constitutional erosion. Maybe they could recite the communist manifesto instead.
……Reactionary paranoia about communism. At the drop of a hat.
Well put, CCO
Lloyd-Lloyd-Lloyd. Marsha-Marsha-Marsha.
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