In a solicitation sent out to a broad mailing list of hotel supporters, Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has increased the claim for job creation to 1,000 jobs from the hotel project and is claiming a great victory while asking for political contributions.
The solicitation is on the following link.
I don’t see this as slimy.
The mayor is touting an accomplishment and doing what politicians do; raise money.
Who mentioned the slim factor besides YOU?
“touting,” “slimy,” K/N you for him or against him?
Try politic’in covers all of it either way.
No shame.
What a dumb shit. 1,000 jobs at the prevailing wage would cost more than the cost of the project. This guy is a habitual liar.
Politics 101: Claim credit for some accomplishment that you had little or nothing to do with and then get in everyone’s pocket as a gratuity.
Classic, and disgusting.
Moretax: Mayor Winnecke was the leader who continued to push and he never gave up on getting the downtown convention hotel. He had a lot of help, but he led the charge.
He’s a weasel, pure and simple! Mayor Lloyd Weasel-ly!!
I knew it wouldn’t take long for the liberal infestation to spread their hatred to the CCO. Civil discourse only lasts as long as Laura and Bandana types stay away.
Oh,well, back to the blogosphere. Sorry the CCO can’t withstand the infection.
elkaybee: Are you jealous for what he has accomplished? What have you done?
I also agree that the Mayor is shameless. It is extremely obvious that he also is a selfish and self serving person. I’m sorry I voted for him.
Thanks for voting for him. He was the best choice.
I’m sorry you did too
Incredibly brazen distortion of what happened.
It was the Mayor who caused the problem in the first place by proposing a stupid unworkable rip-off of the taxpayers in the hotel project funding structure, among other elements.
Luckily, credit to City Council members for holding it up, at great criticism, until greatly improved.
To knock $20 Million out of the funding subsidy overnight is clearly glaring evidence that the original deal pushed by the Mayor was a sham and a gift for someone without regard for responsibility to the citizens or fundamental business principles.
Now he is taking monumental credit for fixing the problem he caused.
Everything the Mayor does is ‘image distortion/creation’ ignoring fundamental facts and substance.
If it was not for the Mayor,there would be no hotel.If you think John Friend and some of the other City Council members improve there popularity for re-election, you are badly mistaken.
if the mayor is responsible for the hotel that’s a good enough reason for me to vote against him, if that hotel is needed and will make money John Dunn would build it without a subsidy greater than free land.
Vote for who you want to, but vote. Winnecke has picked up tons of support over the hotel issue. I do hope you change your mind.
With all the hotels Dunn currently has on the East side, where do you think he wants the IU Med Center built. The Convention Hotel will help attract the IU Med Center downtown.
Dunn is a successful businessman. The Convention style hotel is not his style or nitch. A 3/4 star hotel is needed downtown.
From afar Wayne,”3/4 star hotel is needed downtown” The way I see it you already have a 3/4 star hotel in downtown Evansville.
I think right now, its called the McCurdy.
Isn’t that the one on the river front with the windows hanging open to encourage needs of the downtown avian population?
Golly Wayne,I don’t know what Mr.Dunn’s style or “nitch” is either,but my observations tell me Mr. Dunn is successful through planning and true market studied projections. Maybe you should leave projections for the hotel business and they’re locations and rating systems to the professionals, Wayne.
You did get me to LOL, almost lost the coffee.
(3/4 star hotel….needed? 🙂
“Qualem blennum”
“What a doofus.”
I was thinking about this yesterday. If a mayor is living comfortably and not paycheck to paycheck it would be nice to see them donate their salary. I know I’m living in the Benjamin Bosse days but it would be really nice to see $90,000 split up three ways- one part to cleaning up the city ala animal control, third ward/downtown blight/cemetery erosion over the past decades, one part put in a fund towards recruiting highly skilled young professionals to solve city problems, and the other third put back in the general fund as a deduction to city taxpayers.
I certainly would use my “Friends of the Mayor” fund a whole lot better than on consolidation and the hotel. Now, he’s going to have to save it all for his campaign. One term Winnecke is going to have an uphill battle.
Rails&RobertsStadium : As usual, your logic does not hold water. If there was a Mayoral election today, Winnecke would win by a landslide.
I hope you’re not driving in that impaired condition. I;d think his approval rating is in the low 30’s to high 20’s. The only way he’d win is if weinsapple ran against him.
I think you are totally wrong. He could run against anybody and win today. You got to talk to more people than the commenter’s on this media.
The problem a Republican like Winnecke will always have when taking on a liberal spending policy is simple… He will fail to excite his Republican conservative base, even in his own strongholds like Ward 1, and he will not attract enough Democrat votes away from a competent opponent to make up the difference.
The real truth politically for the Mayor is he’s backed himself into an uncomfortable corner. If he was a Democrat, it wouldn’t be a problem, but being a Republican, he has blown it with the Republican base.
Wayne Parke I think your a nut!
people unite: There are more Republicans in office today than there ever has been in SW Indiana.
Yes –most Democrats would hope that I would quit.
Wayne Parke has his pom poms out again and is waving them atop a human pyramid like a 13 year old little girl at a football game. I suspect he even has lipstick on and hair in pigtails.
I frankly expect Winnecke to claim “victory” over the hotel issue; he did, after all, “lead the charge” as Wayne pointed out, yet what Wayne Parke and every other cheerleader for this Administration and this ill-conceived initial deal will shy away from shouting about through their conical megaphones is that it was the CCO, the Citizens Against a Taxpayer Funded Hotel, and a handful of wise and frugal Council Members who stopped this Mayor from recklessly overspending on this project by a $17.5 MILLION margin.
Those are the facts.
The other interesting and misleading figure here is the 1000 jobs figure, which, even after all this time, is STILL growing and STILL hasn’t been adequately explained.
Brad-Brad– the truth is the CCO was totally against the hotel to the end. It was Winnecke that pull a rabbit out of the hat that got the hotel. The 6 Democrat City Council members creditability was near zero over the hotel deal until they woke up to the political reality they were totally on the wrong side of this issue if they ever wanted to be re-elected.
For you and the CCO to claim victory on the hotel issue is an absolute joke.
Actually we were for the hotel all along if the subsidy made sense. The CCO was the first to publish that there was a $20 Million gap in value and cost. We did that in 2010. We do credit Mayor Winnecke with pulling the rabbit from the hat. The problem is that his hand had to be forced into the hat by the CCO, Facebook, and 6 council members. Let’s hope he has learned from it. Were it not for the CCO and others there would have been a failed vote on a $37.5 Million subsidy and no hotel. To claim otherwise is an absolute joke.
The next challenge will be for HCW to get the kind of loan they are seeking with the collateral being 75% of a hotel that will only have a value of about $25 Million or so. The financing from the $11.5 Million of local money and a loan of $27 Million for HCW will not be a slam dunk.
I’ll make you a deal Wayne… I’ll run against Dan McGinn in Ward 1 and print up a ton of fliers to circulate using quotes of his saying the $37.5 million hotel subsidy was a good deal. I’ll remind voters in a door to door knocking campaign that Mr. McGinn would have overspent, along with this Mayor, by a $17.5 million margin.
That should settle this issue over what the public really thinks when it counts.
I’m sure, as our party’s chairman, I can count on your neutrality in a primary campaign.
I as party Chairman would not be neutral in the Republican Primary if you are challeneging McGinn.
I am pleasantly surprised and flattered by your support.
While I welcome your support, I still believe you should withhold your official announcement until after the primary. As Chairman, you will have to hold the entire Party together so we can keep that seat in the general. If Mr. McGinn wins the primary and you’ve gone on record with your support of my candidacy, that might put you and the Party in an awkward position come time for the general.
I know politics is silly and complex, and while I do appreciate your support, I will understand if you withhold any official announcements for the reasons above.
Wayne’s World! Wayne World! Party Time on the tax payers dime!!!!! what a smuck.
Yes to Wayne, and his thousands(?), who wanted to spend $37+ Million, instead of saving the Taxpayers and the Community $20 Million dollars of—BORROWED money, I will be working to elect whomever runs against the Weinzapfel Clone, Winnecke, I will also put my money where my mouth is.
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