“I find the secret recording of the City of Evansville’s Exit Conference with the State Board of Accounts by the City Council Vice President to be irresponsible and a clear violation of trust.
Furthermore, the inappropriate release of confidential state information is a breach of the state audit process, tramples the public’s confidence and puts the reputation of our great city at stake.
It is incumbent upon all of us as stewards of our city government to understand fully our finance and audit process before arriving at conclusions that are clearly false.
In the case of Councilwoman Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley, she is not following the rules and is placing political gain ahead of the best interests of our city.
State Examiner Paul Joyce encouraged the Winnecke Administration to allow the audit process, as prescribed by state law, to continue on its normal path.
As a result, we are prohibited from offering comments on specific allegations made today until the State of Indiana completes its work. However, the citizens of Evansville should know that city finances are being handled appropriately, and that the statements made by Councilwoman Brinkerhoff-Riley were blatantly wrong, misleading and reckless.
I have every confidence that the state’s audit will show our administration has consistently balanced the books, and, with the City Council’s help, we have maintained excellent bond ratings.
Our community is becoming the envy of the state for our positive progress and vision for growth. It’s a shame that one council member wishes to disparage Evansville through her political campaign website and misleading sound recording.
We’re proud of our record and look forward to the release of the state’s full audit.”
I find the inability of the Mayor to balance the cities checkbook since he has held office to be far worse and irresponsible than a recording.
What I find troubling about Winnecke’s statement is that either he or the auditor on the recording are bald faced liars. We know that the books could not be reconciled in 2011. We know from the recording that as of March 12th the 2012 books were not reconciled. It would seem that given what we know now that Mayor Winnecke is lying or so out of touch that he doesn’t even know he is lying. Either way he should not be in charge of any money.
Is it a fact that another press conference will be held tomorrow at which I will announce my new job as State Board Recorder?
Just convince 51% of the public that your lies are true and you’re golden.
Consistently balanced the books, the check is in the mail, etc.
OMG This statement is insaaaaaane! Who does he think he’s fooling? He must have brought a loooot of dope back from his trip to Amsterdam to stay this high for this long.
Keep in mind the Marsha machine could only muster 2800 votes. There just aren’t that many individuals in this inbred group. Their days of passing around tax dollars among themselves with their hooey consulting and legal fees in a never ending keep away game from the rest of us is over. We need to take a VERY close look at this payroll overage.
Winky can hope he sounds authoritative enough to fool the low info voters but even the village idiot knows that $7 million dollars is a lot to cover up. This tape is very bad. Russ looks like a freaking moron. How in the world do you justify paying this incompoop a salary? Really, how about a comment from the mayor about Russ? How does he really feel about the job Russ does for this city? Let the bum go get a job in the open marketplace with his “accounting skill”. Let’s take a closer look at that waster water decrep. Jenny Collins as former controller and current water dept toadie should get on that rail outta town with Russ as well. Immediately.
It is extremely insulting for the mayor to tell me what to think about this when I have ears and can read and do math on my own. Extremely insulting. He can think I’m a lowly cake-eater but at least I am solvent, unlike this city.
How can you possibly say the books have been consistently balanced while the payroll account goes unreconciled? I can balance books too if I’m allowed to make random adjustments but that doesn’t mean the books are correct.
“HAHAHAHA!” I said from afar.
Shining a light in a room full of cockroaches is always “reckless”…from the cockroaches’ perspective, at least.
This looks like something someone would write with crayons at a VOICE session. How many times does he have to say the same things over and over before he finally realizes no one is falling for it. I am embarrassed to have ever known this man.
“Furthermore, the inappropriate release of confidential state information is a breach of the state audit process, tramples the public’s confidence and puts the reputation of our great city at stake.”
Did he really say this?
The public confidence has been trampled for some time. The herd is restless. We want leaders who we can trust Mr. Mayor.
Abell is gone and you’re NEXT Mr. Mayor. Enjoy your time in the Mayor’s office because you will be getting the boot next election!
Unfortunately it appears a lot of the public is really dumb enough to fall for the Mayor’s lies. Their current poll asks if SBR should be prosecuted for releasing the audit information, and it is 51% “yes” votes. What an embarassment this town is!
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