Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke was a guest on the Indy Politics radio program recently and spoke with them about the City of Evansville. During the 10 minute clip the Mayor spoke on the following issues and expressed some interesting views including:
1. I-69 is a wonderful road that saves him 20 minutes on a trip to Bloomington for a ballgame.
2. The new convention hotel will allow Evansville to compete for some of those 55 conventions that Fort Wayne is having this year.
3. He will fight to get the IU Medical Center downtown even if the opponent is a private developer in other parts of the City of Evansville.
4. The IU Medical School will create 2,000 to 3,000 jobs
5. Evansville’s #1 challenge is the combined sewer repair job mandated by the EPA.
6. The EPA has not yet approved the $540 Million plan the city submitted.
7. Evansville does not have the crime problems that Indianapolis is dealing with (No Statistics Stated)
8. Meth is our #1 public safety issue.
You can hear the radio show on the following link by clicking on the triangle on the left of the sound bar.
Winnecke speaks and DERP comes out.
Found items #2 thru 6 interesting and #4, in particular, not really believable. Think his math skills are a bit in question.
Winnecke learned to count jobs from Obama and Weinzapfel. “Let’s see if I destroy 80 jobs on Boeke and those 80 people are hired downtown, that makes 500 jobs”. In the world of SNEGAL arithmetic that is called a “Weinzapfel Transform”.
Thanks for sharing. The Mayor does a good job promoting Evansville.
You are as good at spelling as winnecke is at counting
Destroying is not spelled the same way as promoting …
I’m not sure which mayor was worse weinzapfel or winnecke
1. Ok, you are a complete fool if you support that boondoggle of a road and there really isn’t anything else to say about that. It speaks for itself.
2. Sure, good luck with that.
3. Thanks for wasting another unused EVSC building while ignoring one of Evansville’s worst hit neighborhoods just because your buddies want it downtown.
4. Yea and the hotel will create 250.
5. Finally an ounce of truth out of you. So quit half baking the plan and fix the entire $815 million problem, not just duct taping $540 million of it.
6. See point 5.
7. Thanks for giving some data when you just blurt out things like that. Also, Evansville doesn’t seem to have the population as Indy either. I wonder why.
8. It’s #2. The machine destroying the whole entire city is #1.
Someone needs to open a watering hole in Old Downtown, and name it “Pirates and Parrots” , as all the “Birds of a Feather” would flock there, and both “Parties” could close their respective headquarters.
It is called Maingate.
What I thought was interesting was at about 3 minutes in, he says he wanted to get above the “200 rooms” mark to attract conventions. He actually used that number twice in close succession. This suggests his insistence on 253 rooms might not have been as firm as we were led to believe.
I also noticed Winnecke feels property tax caps are a “hindrance”.
He is a tool of the bankers. Go figure!
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