Mayor Winnecke Makes Pitch for 3 Hotels and 450 Rooms on Youtube



  1. This guy is getting more desperate and delusional by the day. Look at those beady eyes. 3 hotels? I hope he is kidding because if he’s not we are going to be asked for another $75 Million in handouts by the next slick developer that comes along.

    • The mayor is quoting was in the professional consulting study. The study is public and available for all to read. I suggest you do so.

      • Show the page? The page about job creation says 41 jobs. I saw it. By his silence the Mayor is a LIAR!

  2. My gosh that was just terrible from start to finish. Lloyd Winnecke just isn’t a good person to have marketing your city. The whole way through this video his face looked like this…

    You can tell Joe Wallace’s pressure is really getting to him. He looked disheveled, tired, and worn out. He avoided any facts and figures on jobs, he avoided explaining why the city should shell out $37.5 mil when the Hunden Report is saying much less, and he used the word “optimal” instead of “recommended”. It’s optimal we have 1,000,000 residents living in all of downtown. It’s recommended that we probably shouldn’t count on that happening anytime soon.

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