Home Breaking News Mayor Winnecke Announces Plans to Relocate Lloyd Pool

Mayor Winnecke Announces Plans to Relocate Lloyd Pool

Mayor Lloyd Winnecke has announced that a new project is underway to replace the aging Lloyd Pool.


In a YouTube video, Mayor Winnecke says he and his administration are wanting to move the 43-year-old pool to an indoor center in Garvin Park across from the entrance of Bosse Field.

In the announcement, Mayor Winnecke says the new pool will accommodate the needs of competitive swimmers of the area as well as recreational swimmers. Designated areas for diving, competitive swimming, as well as swimming lessons, will be offered at the new location.

The public is invited to voice support at the next city council meeting on September 10th at 5:30 PM in room 301 at the downtown Civic Center.


  1. 28 million dollars for the N Main, Jacobsville area. What a colossal waste of money. It will look just great covered in graffiti and sitting across from the old relic, Bosse Field. It is a shame the city and EVSC have allowed one of the oldest parks in the country to fall into such disrepair. Wonder when the field goes by the wayside like Mesker Park Amphitheater or for that matter, the zoo, streets, water system etc. etc?

    • With the way it’s going with Mr. Coures leading the parade, it’s truly shocking they didn’t propose putting the shiny new $28 million Aqua Center on the SW corner of Franklin and too narrow N. Main, where the shuttered Buehlers grocery store is located. The multitude of under-served recreational swimming enthusiasts from Jimtown will leave their porches with their extended relations and use the new Aqua Center as a public bath in the summers. Visualize the recreational swimming enthusiasts you see in the ONB fountain on Riverside and multiply by 100. Wouldn’t it be cheaper for the City to buy all the under-served recreational swimming enthusiasts from Jimtown and else where in the City, memberships to the new $18 million downtown YWCA that will have its OWN INDOOR POOL. Heck, throw in free EEC Memberships to the Jimtownians so the City isn’t tempted to turn the rest of Garvin Park into a $28 million par 3 “Golf Center. “

  2. I agree with Soul Taker, this is spending MORE money we do NOT have 🙁 More money down a rat hole, like the Ford JON, the park next to a sewage plant, etc. We can’t seem to stabilize our water bills, but we can use TIF all over the place. Has anyone noticed that the Victory, and ONB Events Plaza have more events scheduled, than the JON??

  3. Let’s see, a 18.5 million dollar bike path to a 24.8 million dollar concrete pond in a town whose water and sewer rates are out of sight and will continue to climb. What kind of kool aid are these idiots drinking? You can’t make this crap up.

    • They are drinking none. They realize that aside from a small group of outliers that piss and moan, and whore links to other news sites about irrelevant s–t to the topic at hand… the idiots are the ones that give no f—s about how gubment is pissing away public monies.
      As long as dumb—es (idiots) can bury their face in their phone looking at what someone posted on twitter, facebook, etc about what they s–t out after their lunch, you’re doomed in hopes those same folks care about how city officials are burying the people they are robbing blind in debt.

      It’s easy to spend money people are forced to give… you’ll never owe it back to them for pissing it away.

      Maybe bad government spending should have to be repaid by the asshat that approved the bad decision. Might make them think twice…..

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