Whats on your mind today?
Todays “READERS POLL†question is†Are you disappointed in the Evansville City Council for not being more concerned with the contract between Thunderbolts/VenuWorks and the City?
We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.
If you would like to advertise or submit and article in the CCO please contact us City-County Observer@live.com.
comey is hunting russians in the white house he wont say anything about it except to those few senators with clearance none of them are defending trump its a fire in the basement and the smoke keeps people from a sound nite sleep week after week its quiet but they are coming they are coming they are coming they are coming
FAKE NEWS………https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mz7OHTFAPM4
To whom it may concern; My religious conservative buddy would like to sell his ……………………. trar.
If interested call 812-Go-Trump
Must Sell! Too many rallies, not enough results.
Gas in tank thrown in free.
Believe me….
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