Whats on your mind today?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is: Do you feel that the City should help the displaced residents of Lincoln Estate?We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

If you would like to advertise or submit and article in the CCO please contact us City-County


  1. I feel like it is past time for the Mayor to come clean about the Lincoln Gardens fiasco. The public deserves to know the names of the players involved in this churning. Give us the names of the people involved in the corporations and limited partnerships and also the names of the financial institutions involved. Also, put a financial figure on what all of this has cost the taxpayers of Evansville. Mr. Zarris seems to have had some run ins with Indiana enforcement concerning his business dealings in the past, was Mayor Winnecke aware of that?

    Today we have the obligatory CYA article by the Evansville Courier&Press, in which there is not enough information given for the public to make an informed decision about what has transpired in these dealings. It would not take any real news agency, worth their salt, long to get to the bottom of what has gone on. The question then is: IS THERE ANY REAL LOCAL NEWS AGENCY OUT THERE?

    • Did Pressanykey just say…?:
      “I feel like it is past time for the President DONALD TRUMP to come clean about the TRUMP-RUSSIAN financing fiasco. The public deserves to know the names of the players involved in this churning. Give us the names of the people involved in the corporations and limited partnerships and also the names of the financial institutions involved. Also, put a financial figure on what all of this has cost the taxpayers of the United States. Mr. TRUMP seems to have had some run ins with FBI, the NSA, and the CIA enforcement concerning his business dealings in the past, was President Trump aware of that?”

      I mean we all know Press doesn’t have a double standard, does he?

      Here is more from Press:
      “There is not enough information given for the public to make an informed decision about what has transpired in these dealings. It would not take any real news agency, worth their salt, long to get to the bottom of what has gone on. The question then is: IS THERE ANYONE….ANYONE WHO DOESN’T HAVE A DOUBLE STANDARD OUT THERE?”
      (Press’ own words at work……making the point of his hypocrisy better than anything else could.)

  2. git’n frustrated no wall nothing get’n done everbody else’s fault

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