Whats on your mind today?

Todays “READERS POLL” question is Do you feel that the majority of the Evansville City Council members are knowingly withholding financial information about how much are the Thunderbolts debts for the 2016-17 season?

We urge you to take time and click the section we have reserved for the daily recaps of the activities of our local Law Enforcement professionals. This section is located on the upper right side of our publication.

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  1. How’s it going for Donald Trump? It’s been just over One Hundred Days. How’s it going?

    Let’s ask President Ronald Reagan’s voice, conservative and Republican WSJ’s Peggy Noonan!!!

    Here is what this Republican said:
    “Donald Trump has produced a building crisis that is unprecedented in our history. The question is whether Donald Trump has demonstrated, in his first four months, that he is unfit for the presidency. Is Donald Trump wholly unsuited to be President in terms of judgment, knowledge, mental capacity, personal stability?”
    If Mr. Trump is truly unfit. If he has demonstrated already, so quickly, that he cannot competently perform the role, and that his drama will only get more dangerous and chaotic, how much time should pass to let him prove it? And how dangerous will the proving get? Wrenching questions.”

    “Donald Trump spends his time tweeting his inane, bizarre messages—that he’s the victim of a “witch hunt”—from his bed, with his iPad. Trump said this at the Coast Guard Academy: “No politician in history, and I say this with great surety, has been treated worse or more unfairly.”

    Actually that Republican President Lincoln got secession, civil war and a daily pounding from a Press that thought he didn’t go far enough.

    Then someone shot him in the head.
    So, he had his challenges.”
    Noonan writes for the unimpeachably conservative Wall Street Journal, where real Republicans get their news.

  2. CCO readers, the Evansville Wartime Museum opens this Saturday!

    The Museum spokesman, Dona Boone had this to say:
    “I have been authorized by the Department of Defense, to confirm, that the DoD in Evansville, as part of our Wartime Museum mission, is investing and assisting the City of Evansville’s efforts to promote the interests of certain DoD activities here in 2017.

    And that includes, promoting the nature of any links between US veterans associated with US wars and the US government, and including any and all coordination between those veterans, the museum and the City of Evansville.”

    Regular hours, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays and noon to 4 p.m. on Sundays.
    Prices will be $5 for regular adult admission and $4 for children 6-18.

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