Marsha Abell Clarifies Position on Threshold


Commissioner Marsha Abell has clarified her position to the City County Observer with respect to her position on the questions raised at last nights Consolidation hearing. Commissioner Abell wishes it to be known that everything that was brought up at last nights meeting by the 41 people who spoke is on the table including threshold rejection. She furthermore supports the action of letting the people decide the issue of consolidation in a vote.


  1. SOOOooooo …

    Marsha will not necessarily require a rejection threshold for residents of the unconsolidated county as part of the final plan moving forward to the referendum?

    “Everything on the table” is not exactly crystal clear.

  2. We might be separate states, N. Indiana and S. Indiana before this is through!

  3. Thanks for being so crystal clear, Marsha. Which specific phone call and particular promises are you waiting for before deciding which way your conscience goes?

    Her “statement” is typical, noncommittal, “Later I can claim I said whatever I ended up doing.” politican doublespeak. I knew it was too good to be true to think that a real human being could be elected to a political office.

  4. If all the conservative GOP precinct committe men/women make it clear soon as the primary is over, they will not work the polls for the GOP on election day and the Republican Party will have to come up with persons to get out the vote, the issue will be dead on arrival for the Republicans.

    Jeff Day

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