Mark Messmer files to run in the Republican Primary for Indiana’s 8th Congressional District


Jasper, IN – January 25, 2024 – Today, State Senator Mark Messmer announced his candidacy for the Republican primary in Indiana’s 8th Congressional District. “As a lifelong resident of Southwest Indiana, I understand the needs and values of our communities. In the statehouse, I have fought tirelessly to promote economic growth, safeguard individual liberties, and uphold our constitutional values. Now, I am ready to take this commitment to a national stage and ensure Washington starts to prioritize the needs and values of Hoosiers,” said Messmer.

“I am pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-Trump. And with Joe Biden and the radical left running Washington, every issue, from illegal immigration to economic freedom, has gotten worse with real-world consequences for Hoosiers. We need to restore our economy, secure our borders to protect our communities and uphold the rule of law. It is part of a broader commitment tokeeping our district safe and prosperous,” Messmer stated.

“As your representative, I will fight tirelessly for the values we cherish – faith, family, and hard work. These are the principles that make our communities strong, and I am committed to advocating for them in Washington,” Messmer added.

Messmer’s campaign is rooted in his extensive experience in the Indiana General Assembly since 2008. “In the state legislature, I’ve consistently championed policies that drive economic growth, create high-paying jobs, and maintain fiscal responsibility. My experience in balancing Indiana’s budget and generating a surplus will be essential as I join the effort to return fiscal responsibility to Washington D.C.,” Messmer said.

Messmer’s roots in Southwest Indiana run deep. A small business owner, engineer, anddevoted family man, he understands the challenges and aspirations of Hoosiers. His involvement with local organizations like Jasper Kiwanis, Knights of Columbus, and the Sons of

the American Revolution reflects his deep commitment to community service. Messmer and his wife Kim, married for 38 years with four children, are active members of Holy Family Catholic Church in Jasper.

“I’m running to represent the often-overlooked voices and to bring genuine change to Washington. I am devoted to tackling pressing issues like illegal immigration, safeguarding our liberties, protecting the unborn, balancing the federal budget, stopping the woke agenda, and growing jobs in Southwest Indiana,” Messmer pledged.

“Together, we can fight for the values we hold dear and ensure our voices are heard. I am committed to being your champion in Congress, standing firm against the status quo and advocating for the interests of Southwest Indiana,” concluded Messmer.

The primary election is set for May 7, and Mark Messmer looks forward to engaging with constituents across the district, listening to their concerns and sharing his vision for a prosperous and free America

I am pro-life, pro-gun, and pro-Trump. And with Joe Biden and the radical left running Washington, every issue, from illegal immigration to economic freedom, has gotten worse with real-world consequences for Hoosiers.”



  1. Wait a minute.
    We have seen this losing candidate playbook before? GOP Natalie Rascher!

    It goes like this……………………………:

    “Hi. I am Natalie Rascher (substitute Mark Messemer), GOP Candidate for Evansville Mayor. I am pro-Donald Trump. And with Joe Biden and the radical left running Washington, every issue, from illegal immigration to economic freedom, has gotten worse with real-world consequences for Hoosiers.”

    Did it work?
    Did Republican GOP Pro-Trump Candidate Natalie Rascher LOSE?

    YES. She GOT BEAT BY A DEMOCRAT Stephanie Terry.
    Everyone said “Baaaah! That Democrate Terry is a joke! No way Rascher loses to that!!!”

    Yet, here we are.

    FACT: Mark Messemer is doing the Natalie Rascher thing ALL OVER AGAIN.
    Outcome? GIFT TO THE DEMOCRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    There is this continuing question, haunting the Evansville GOP/Republican Party:

    “Why did GOP Candidate Natalie Rascher lose?”

    GOP Winnecke stomped every Democratic challenger for years. This is a GOP governing town. The Republican Voters in Evansville voted as a BLOC and kept the GOP in power with Republican Winnecke time and time again.

    So. Something changed.
    What was it?
    Maybe the GOP – people who now call themselves Republicans – the Republican Party, is shrinking.

    1. Trump stomped everyone in Iowa in the Iowa GOP PRIMARY. But it’s a Primary. Only people who call themselves Republicans voted.

    2. Natalie Rascher WON THE Evansville Mayor’s GOP PRIMARY too, and looked like a 2nd Version of Winniecke, and unstoppable GOP on her way to another GOP win. But it was a Primary, and only people who call themselves Republicans voted.

    3. HERE IS A FACT ABOUT the Iowa Republican Primary that is worrisome:
    a. There are about 750,000 Republicans in Iowa.
    b. Only about 110,000 of the roughly 750,000 registered Republicans in the state participated in the 2024 GOP Iowa Primary., down more than 40 percent from the 187,000 Republicans who joined the GOP Iowa Prmary in 2016.

    4. FACT: Natalie Rascher looked unstoppable, on her way to another GOP win. But she lost.

    That Trump GOP Iowa win?
    It says that there were 40% fewer people in the State now calling themselves Republicans. The Iowa Repubican Party voters declined from 187,000, to only 110,000 this year.

    That sure explains how Natalie Rascher lost!!!!

    There weren’t enough people who considered themselves Republicans voting for her.

    The people left in the Republican Party? There ain’t enough of them.
    Messemer is doing a Natalie Rascher again. Hugging Trump.
    BOOM!! Gift to the Democrats!!

    • Boring and predictable. The same script for every occasion. Juvenile screaming for attention.

    • Call to order!!
      Call to order!!
      Meeting of what’s left of the Evansville Republican Party!!

      Will you get us started?

      “Well. Everybody, l know we used to fill this room, so let’s all gather up here in the first few rows, and get close enough so we can hear each others! Folks, I know the big money guys aren’t here anymore; the bankers, the accountants, the real estate developers, the law firms, all of the businessmen and Chamber of Commerce folks.

      But we’ve got some new people here! We got this gun shop owner, a Proud Boys militia guy out in the Lynnville coal mine area, and even though he isn’t from Evansville, he just loves Donald Trump! And we got ole Victory for Russia here, and even though all he talks about it is something called a “Tranny Fair,” well, he’s got a loose wallet and sends his cash to Trump to pay E. Jean Carroll that $80,000,000 he now owes her for lying about that rape he did. So Victory! Welcome! You ain’t no regular Republican business guy, but we need all the help we can get!.

      Now listen, about that ass-beating we got from Democrat Stephanie Terry in the Mayor’s race! We need to find someone to blame that on! So, any ideas…..?”

      ….and it went on and on.
      Room full of Losers.

        • Awww. C’mon now ole Victory for Russia!
          That’s not only accurate, it’s funny!

          But Victory?? You keep talking about a “Tranny Fair” ?
          I don’t know what the hell you’re talking about.
          What is this “Tranny Fair” you keep talking about Victory for Russia?

          • I gave you too much credit, it seems? One time is “keep talking about” in your mind? Next?

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