IS IT TRUE that the bizarre way that meth impairs the though process of human beings played out yesterday in Evansville in a most unusual and disturbing way yesterday?…that a man from a prominent Evansville family that are long time business owners who have a custom of naming their children after car models allegedly constructed 3 bombs resembling grenades and had intentions to kill some police officers who are charged with ridding our community of the scourge of meth?… Franz Corvette Costello of the respected family that we who live in Evansville take pride in telling our friends about is the alleged perpetrator of this heinous act?…this is a most demented way of thinking and speaks to the addictive power of meth?…it also speaks to the power of this drug to destroy human beings in a way that few other addictive substances can?…in our last mayoral campaign both Democrat Rick Davis and now Mayor Lloyd Winnecke agreed that the ingredients to make meth should be by prescription only?…we know that our Mayor’s can’t fiat such laws into place but it is truly disappointing that the effort to control the substances used to make meth by Mayor Winnecke have grabbed no headlines at all, but things like dog parks have?…meth is a serious problem and we encourage our mayor to show just how serious of a person he wants to be and get in front of this issue?…if Mayor Winnecke finds a way to restrict access to these ingredients that is an effort worthy of a positive legacy?…dog parks, hotels, and other fun and games nonsense come and go but the tragedy of human addiction damages a community forever?…we encourage our mayor to do what he can about this in a very visible way?
IS IT TRUE that we are hearing about some instances where ObamaCare is actually making positive differences for some of our citizens?…the demographic that benefits from the ACA is a small one but if one is over 55 years of age and has some medical issues the ACA seems to be something good?…we have learned of many instances both locally and in other parts of America where older people with medical conditions have gotten large reductions in their insurance premiums and lower drug prices for maintenance prescriptions?…while that is quite positive the fact remains that for each older and sicker person who benefits from the exchange there will need to be 10 or more young and healthy people to enter the system to pay for those benefits?…this is quite similar to the Social Security system where those who work pay taxes to pay for the benefits to those who are retired?…just as the Social Security Administration depends on a sufficient number of workers to pay for the retirement of people who worked at one time, ACA needs young payers who use few benefits to cover the ailments of the older and sicker ones?…the challenge is that these older and sicker ones did not pay in when they were young leaving today’s young to choose whether or not to join this game or not?
IS IT TRUE it is 230 days until the election of 2014?…the website electionprojection.com has not changed in its predictions for the national elections in more than a month?…the current tally projected is that the Republicans will take the Senate adding 6 seats to enjoy a 51 – 47 – 2 majority and stay in control of the House of Representatives by a comfortable margin?…such a control situation will make President Obama’s last two years in office rather difficult indeed?
IS IT TRUE there is one federal government program that seems to work quite well and even earn a profit (that the feds call negative subsidies because the word profit is not even understood) that is returned to the general fund?…the Export Import Bank of the United States finances and insures transactions between foreign businesses and American businesses?…this entity earns just over a Billion dollars a year on a loan portfolio of $35 Billion?…this leads to the creation and sustaining of over 200,000 American jobs?…this is not a business that a for profit commercial bank could service because of the risk of trade agreement enforcement?…the City County Observer encourages local business that want to enter or expand their exporting business to take advantage of this exemplary federal entity that actually works?
It will certainly be interesting to see the aftermath after the next 230 days that’s for sure. If there are more of these; http://www.pennlive.com/midstate/index.ssf/2014/03/york_county_senate_seat_winner.html I think both political parties will need a whole crate of adult diapers.
Could it be true that Costello’s hatred towards law enforcement is the same type of hatred that all law enforcement must deal with on a daily bases? When people’s lifestyle involves something illegal, that if caught would require a fine, court appearance, or time in the pokey, the arresting agency becomes the “bad man” in their muted world. There is always a few cases that a law enforcement agent may be the bad man with out a person doing anything illegal. Keep in mind that they are doing their job, just as you do yours on a daily bases.
Meth has no boundaries, was their not on the west side several years back a lawyer caught with the stuff?
Why yes, yes there was an Evansville lawyer caught with it;
On the whole I disagree with the CCO’s characterization, in the end at every step of the way Costello *had* to make the decision to say what he did, make the bombs and on and on. To place the blame on the object (meth) is to excuse the person for making the decisions they did.
Is it true that Social Security would be in better shape had the coffers not been raided?
Is it true that more money is still coming in then going out?
Is it true that incoming/outgoing will equal in 10-30 years ahead?
Is it true had the surplus “from day one” been reinvested into treasury bonds instead of being bought from the public, that this fund would had lasted for a very, very long time?
I think that is a yes to all except the treasury bond thing, dunno with any certainty. Found this little tidbit regarding Social Security;
The relevant part:
“The $35.7 billion collected in fees won’t go into the Social Security fund to replace the lost payroll tax. It goes to the general treasury where Congress can spend it however they please.”
You can thank the Boehner *and* Obama.
All Social Security withholding tax has gone into the general treasury for decades. There is no such thing as a “Social Security fund.”
My SSN taxes say otherwise, yes I know what you mean.
It is true that we would be better ff if a portion of SS went to private accounts.
Would that not strangle the SS by not allowing the full funding? The potion collected and not used each year already went to the general fund.
Would it not be true that the Federal government should put back all the money, plus all due interest
to the SS department that it has taken, which then it would last for a great many years?
Why are we more worried about the survival of SS than those paying into it? For every dollar earned, fifteen cents is paid to SS. With even a little set aside to private investment, a low wage earner could retire with $100,000 that could be left to his children.
SS can only be invested in the government which government does pay back at a low interest rate, if it can pay it back.
Further more, private accounts would be money invested in our economy not our government. A healthier economy creates more revenue for the government…as long as it does not spend more than it receives. Therefore, what we need is a balanced budget amendment to stop this raiding of SS.
Import Export Bank, didn’t know we had one. In case anyone is interested;
It appears Evansville is in District 8;
IN-08 Export Summary:
$73M – Sales Supported
$72M – Disbursements
$310M – Total Authorizations
Thankfully Evansville is not in District 9; http://www.sonypictures.com/movies/district9/
When did the Costello’s become a prominent business family in Evansville? If I’m not mistaken Franz Sr. is doing federal time or was recently released. Meth has been a family tradition for years.
+1 !!
Agreed. I don’t think I have ever heard anything possitive about them. They once had a body shop with an iffy reputation and that is it. I’m not even sure if anyone ever mentioned it without mentioning drugs in the same sentence. It just was not meth at that time. They did not fall victim to a drug. I doubt anyone held them down and force injected them. They chose that path and destroyed their own business.
I don’t think the Costello family has had a lot of community respect for some time now, but addiction is an illness and a predisposition to it is often inherited. I do have trouble understanding how even someone with an addictive personality lets themselves ever try meth, even once. I can wrap my head around alcohol, prescription drugs, cocaine, and even heroin, but meth is so well-known as the most addictive substance that it’s hard to understand why people ever try it. I suppose it’s the availability.
It’s sad to make people go to a doctor for a simple decongestant, but something has to be done about this stuff.
Neither Franz has had anything to do with the body shops for years! The Costello running the body shop nowadays (for over a decade) is a very nice man who does not participate in any of the other crap his family is into. The family has been estranged for years. Costello’s does incredible work on cars and have helped me with several issues over the years. Prominent may not have been the right word, but they do a hell of a lot of business.
I agree Camaro has done body work on several of my vehicles ,the work was top notch and done to a tee . in the past his dad was a good body man until drugs started to take over
Camaro Costello has always is not like his father and brother.
Oops! Changed what I was going to say mid-sentence. Meant to say…. Camaro is not like his father and brother.
Actually Winnecke was originally AGAINST making psudofed a prescription. This press release on the City-County web site pretty much says everything about Winnecke. As usual he was following the lead of someone else’s good idea. He ripped his opponent and even called him “dubious.” Then he steals the idea and makes it his own and makes himself look like he’s a progressive guy. I don’t know how Rick could let him get away with that. But he did.
Winnecke Responds to Davis’s Meth Plan
editor | Aug 12, 2011 | Comments 9
Lloyd Winnecke
August 12, 2011
For Immediate Release: Response to Rick Davis’ Proposed Meth Solutions
Members of the Media:
I am encouraged that Rick is following our lead on this issue, but his announcement today charts an uncertain course for the city. He rightfully suggests working closely with our local legislators on methamphetamine issues at the Statehouse. However, I firmly believe this is an issue for law enforcement, and while well-intended, the idea that voluntary enforcement can discourage criminals who are already enterprising enough to circumvent current state law is highly dubious. Further regulation is only part of the answer. We must start by educating our youth, schools, and the community at large to the destructive power of meth. We must also focus on giving our police and fire departments the tools they need to tackle the problem and relentlessly pursue the people perpetrating this menace in our neighborhoods.
Lloyd Winnecke
The Mayor has taken meth to heart. He started the Mayor’s NO Meth Task Force his first year into office. The task force has taken lead on controlling the pseudoephedrine ingredient as a prescription only ingredient. They have been acting to pool resources and different organizations together to share information about meth and its production. They have sent people to Indy to lobby for changes to the existing laws.
However, big pharma is against this type of change. They have sent their own string of lobbyists to counter. There is a Facebook group called, “Stop Meth Not Meds”. It is a group that was created by the pharmaceuticals to fight these changes. https://www.facebook.com/stopmethnotmedsin
I know first hand that United Neighborhoods took up an active role on this as well. Chris Cooke has been involved with the Mayor’s task force. This link is a good interview of where we stand with the meth issue in Evansville and Indiana:
Chris Cookes’ fighting meth now? He should be fighting for his job. Looks like the mayor couldn’t care any less how city employees treat the president of the city council.
Why would the mayor put him on this task force?
Are either of you two volunteering? This is serious business and no matter who is heading up the meth suppression campaign in town, it should be supported.
Brent, I’m disappointed in you. You should know better. I don’t expect people with the IQ of Wayne Parke to get, but I did expect you to.
I’m SOOO glad you’re back on here to restore order to the universe Brad. This place has gotten out of hand since you left. I hope you plan on staying on the CCO, we need you badly.
I don’t follow you Brad? Why are you disappointed?
Are you advocating Sudafed to be a controlled substance?
Pseudoephedrine is already a controlled substance. You can not just pick it up off of the shelf and buy it. You have to go to the pharmacy, register the purchase and if you have bought a certain amount over a specific timeframe, then you can’t buy it. That’s a controlled purchase. We can’t continue to use the anti-regualtion on the common man argument because there are plenty of things that are regulated because of their misuse by the criminal element. The way that meth is tearing up our community, we should find additional measures to curb the manufacturing of the drug.
I fully support controlling the pseudoephedrine ingredient as a prescription only ingredient. Meth is a huge problem and requires some drastic action. I encourage others to jump on board.
Well looks like Winnecke would call you “dubious” then!
Finally found something we can agree on.
Editor, I think your numbers are off. Earning a billion per year on a loan portfolio of $35 million is not going to happen in real life.
The exposure of the agency was north of $100 billion the last time I looked.
It is $35 Billion a year. Sorry.
I took a fairly new car to those pillars of the community a few years ago for minor work. It came back wrinkled, insisting it needed some presumed tramp called ‘Ethyl’, gaps in its grill, headlights twice the original size and looking 25 years older than it was. Had to have it put down.
Meth is not funny. The war on drugs (pot, etc.) was and is a political farce. Now we have a drug that’s easy to make and deadly with no clear solution anywhere. I feel sorry for those who fall into its clutches.
As an Innovationist IMHO. The solution should be in area denial by observation,simple existing scientific applications used to identify the trace elements created during manufacture and use of the specified drug or substance of concern.
No need to ban medical prescription uses of component elements go for the trace combination byproduct trace. Simple as PI,from orbit or overflight.
Best guess reasoning behind the non use of such a system is an social economic issue that bleeds over into other more detailed issues involving national security and personal or constitutional freedoms.
Hell you could also pick off every moonshiner on the continent in a one night pass,as well. However the cost to the “ripple affect” created would be tremendous.
Its a “legal beagle issue” there,and those pooches can hunt if the treat at the end of the trail is enough to justify the pursuit.
They will never use it for civil enforcement,however a smaller version set to specified singular traces on a short range ROV might be viable.
If so,the meth problem fades away PDQ. An “slow leak” detector so too speak. 😉
Thought of two quotes floated by an old rich fart this morning when I read this IiT……”all subjects as a mash up blend.”
“The chains of habit are too light to be felt,until they are too heavy to be broken” (Warren Buffet)
And..”Only when the tide goes out do you discover who”s been swimming naked” (Warren Buffet)
Oh my!.sorry …:) “ripple affect”,”legal beagles” “what was I thinking?” AaAAHaha!
‘Made enough money to buy Miami but pissed it away so fast’ ~~ Jimmy Buffet
I believe you are onto something. Years ago they made Quaaludes unavailable by making the one component of them that made them desirable to some unaround. They might still be available in some countries. Meth is an increasingly awful problem and any solution will have a downside. You’d think with the 40+ year ‘war on drugs’ we’d have something besides ‘lock ’em up’ ready to fire at the problem.
Jimmy Buffet~ Yeh, Key west sound stage,sat right next to it once and ate some real good fresh caught gulf key west shrimp,big ole white wharf warehouse looking building. Probably had Allan Jackson recording 5 O’clock somewhere inside at the timing.
Damned place was butt ugly it would’a fit right in in downtown evansville “looked abandoned” went sailing later,and then sea kayaking. Crap! found out the cool quarry pits we paddled too were put there during the Cuban missile crisis by The JFK administration to park subs and nukes nearby.
Those aren’t used anymore either,sitting there in all that clear deep water off the reef shallows in a kayak I found the true meaning behind the phrase “Shark tank” GTHOTPDQ!
BTW, Warren, I screwed up,its spelling is “Buffett” wasn’t quite too the “t” on that one I presume.
I’ve read about John F. Kennedy and how “that crisis went”, over the years,”deja-vu bites in reverse!” One quote that comes to mind when I study your local politics was this~ ” My brother Bob doesn’t want to be in politics,he promised Dad he’d go straight”
Both of’em should have lived that one out. 🙁
There is hope, I befriended a 53 Studebaker with an addition to Indiana salt. It’s skin sported several open ulcers caused by her salt abuse, and there was extensive damage to her internal organs.
After a few years in therapy and belief in a higher power, (100 amp welder) the ole girl’s life is changed for the better and she runs with the big dogs. She has a menacing presence on the highway, and will occasionally make gatherings to share her story and inspire others.
It wasn’t easy though. A few months after her recovery there was a trail by fire which put the ole girl back in therapy for a few months. Currently she is on bed rest due to a right rear broken hip. We are waiting for Obama care to kick in for a new and stronger rear end as long as we can keep his death squads away from the garage door.
Come to think of it, the auto undertakers at Liberty is another old automotive family caught using the Heisenberg financial supplication method. It’s Evansville. Choose your addiction, meth, fatty foods, or politics.
Indeed the Heisenberg principle though I prefer its cousin the Infinite Improbability principle. The slinging of all ones atoms across the whole of the universe and materializing at the most improbable location which turns out to be the most probable; like the “war” on drugs and addiction will ever be successful.
I have not seen at State Board person in a few days! Must mean that the audit is really over. No Airhead, Shamu, Cowabunga, or Sheldon Cooper. Even haven’t seen General Sherman around! Both Uncle Fester and Rumplebeancounter told me that they are all idiots that don’t know what they are doing. What ever happened to that auditor that did it for years?
Why should they leave..the 2013 audit should be underway..amazing to me this is accepted.
Maybe they needed a little “R&R” after their ordeal, or they’re looking for another job.
Here are the 2,700 pages of the Affordable Care Act condensed into one sentence:
ObamaCare: To insure the uninsured, we first make the insured uninsured and then make them pay more to be insured again, so the original uninsured can be insured for free.
Author Unknown
Wayne why don’t you just go to bed. You caused enough problems for the local Republican party for today. You’re an embarrassment to my political party.
Ralph Edwards: …my political party???????????
Is this your real name?
Are you registered to vote?
Do you live in Vanderburgh County?
What have you done to help the Republican Party?
Taken down by Editor because post was off message and insulting.
With all do respect, your posts seem to show who the stupid a-hole is. Can’t a person at least try to come across as being educated & civil? Thankfully most EVV citizens do not portray such hatred. We may not agree with Mr Parke, but can’t we state our disagreement with a little humanity?
The idea of making pseudoephedrine prescription only because some dumb rednecks can’t control themselves and stop cooking crank with it is like saying we need a prescription for gunpowder because it could be used to make a pipe bomb. Are you prepared to prove you need gunpowder to survive?
Ask Eastern Kentucky cops about the scourge of OxyContin. Ask them if controlled status has eradicated abuse. Ask any prison guard how drugs have a nagging way of finding themselves into places where they aren’t supposed to be.
Want to stop meth? Bring in jobs for people. Give them a hopeful future. Educate them. Why penalize people with a legitimate ongoing need for an otherwise harmless drug, Sudafed, because of the idiot standing in line behind them? Besides, one way or another, the cookers will find a way. As long as there is a market, people will find a way to supply it. You don’t eradicate a market on the supply side. The cookers will just start synthesizing their own Sudafed, or they’ll buy it in from elsewhere.
Besides, ‘meth’ can be made without Sudafed anyway.
Brad Linzy: I am not a redneck–I support reqiring a prescription. You sound like a person who believes there should be no restrictions on anything.Is there areason for that?
I am not against people owning gunpowder or pseudoephedrine particularly, but I am against people building labs next door to my house. I don’t seem to have a problem with people building powder factories next door because it never seems to happen. On the other hand, we have lost two houses and one yard barn in the last 2 years due to meth cooks. Gunpowder explosions? ZERO
I don’t need to look no farther than my own back yard to see it. Brad, I think you are comparing two rather distinct things and want to use the same Liberty brush to cover them both.
How is Louisville? I hear there is a lot of politics in the school system over there.
Brent, the War on Drugs has the same effect, whether the drug is pot, meth, or even alcohol. I’m just disappointed in your position. I expect it from Wayne.
Read the above article when you get time. If you require a scrip, all you’ll do is either a, create Sudafed labs b, create a a trafficking market, or c encourage an even more dangerous form of meth, the kind that doesn’t require Sudafed.
Then what’s next? Are you going to ban baking soda? Kerosene?
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