Madison County Prosecutor Supports New Penalties for Drug Deals Resulting in Death


Madison County Prosecutor Rodney J. Cummings testified today in support of a bill before the Senate Corrections and Criminal Law Committee that sets new penalties for drug deals resulting in death.  The bill, S.B. 324, is sponsored by Sen. Erin Houchin.

“I live in a community that is affected deeply by drug overdoses,” said Prosecutor Cummings. “In our largest community, Anderson, in 2015 there were 231 overdose deaths. Out of those deaths, due to our current laws, I was only able to prosecute four people on a charge of reckless homicide.” He added that he is in favor of treatment for drug addicts as well as greater penalties for the people who sell drugs.

The bill sets Level 2 or 3 felony penalties for the delivery of a drug to a user, whether the drug is used alone or in combination with alcohol or other drugs, that results in the user’s death.

The bill will be heard again next week by the committee before a vote decides whether it will go to the full Senate for consideration.