Yesterday concluded the 2021 Statewide Indiana Housing Conference. Lt. Governor Suzanne Crouch held her annual Excellence in Affordable Housing Awards Program. Part of the program is a joint award given by IHCDA and the Indiana Affordable Housing Council to a resident that goes above and beyond within their community to improve the day-to-day lives of themselves and those around them.
Within each of our affordable housing developments in Indiana are residents. Many of them have transformed their lives by having safe, decent and affordable housing. This includes this year’s award recipient.
Treat those around you how you want to be treated. Go above and beyond for your neighbor. Rodney Allen exemplifies these statements as a valued resident at Florence Fay School Senior Apartmentsin Indianapolis. His kindness and selflessness shows through a variety of activities such as:
- Paying out his own pocket to support bingo games on Friday nights
- Providing gifts for all new move in’s also out of his own pocket.
- Picking up trash for the seniors that cannot walk to the dumpster
Mr. Allen also is a go to person for local resources, often offering his own car to take people to get to medical appointments. The type of friend and neighbor we would all love to have. .
It is a pleasure and honor to acknowledge and share some of the great things with you about Mr. Rodney Allen, our 2021 Outstanding Resident Volunteer

Program Highlight – Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)
The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Energy assistance is a one-time annual benefit that can assist low-income Hoosiers with the high cost of home energy and can help those who are about to get disconnected.
Beginning October 1, 2021, Hoosiers can apply for a one-time benefit assistance payment to help with utilities. You don’t need to have fallen behind on your heating or electric bills to qualify. These benefits are paid directly to the utility vendor to help cover your heating and electric costs during winter months. If your utilities are included in rent, you may still qualify for this program.
This program is available to Hoosiers renting and for those who own their home.
All interested weatherization applicants need to contact their local Community Action Agency to find out if they are eligible for services. Click HERE to access an interactive map with details on who serves your county.