Making Sense by Michael Reagan

Donald Trump’s speech to the United Nations on Tuesday was not just great, it was totally refreshing.

The president’s address to the U.N. General Assembly was so perfect it almost made me forget all the horrible speeches his predecessor gave to that corrupt, bloated and anti-American body.

For the first time in eight years the world saw an American president not spending half his time apologizing to the U.N. for our country’s past, present and future.

President Obama’s U.N. speeches always managed to make it sound like the United States was no different from Iran and North Korea.

He’d say we’re going to stop their evil, and we’re also going to stop our evil, as if there was a moral equivalency between us and those inhuman hellholes.

On Tuesday President Trump did not pussyfoot around or ignore the obvious threats the rogue regimes of North Korea and Iran pose to a peaceful planet.

He blasted both countries, calling them out for violating “every principle on which the United Nations is based. They respect neither their own citizens nor the sovereign rights of their countries.

“If the righteous many do not confront the wicked few,” Trump said, “then evil will triumph. When decent people and nations become bystanders to history, the forces of destruction only gather power and strength.”

Trump, being Trump, also said what needed to be said about North Korea’s dictator Kim Jong Un and his missile program.

Liberals and the media went ballistic over Trump branding Un as the “Rocket Man.”

As usual, the media, which themselves have called Un every name in the book, missed the strengths of Trump’s speech and concentrated on what they thought was a politically incorrect gaffe or a presidential goof.

But “Rocket Man” was brilliant. It was a way to mock and insult Un while giving him a public warning that if the U.S. is “forced to defend itself or its allies … we will have no choice but to totally destroy North Korea.”

The president got his U.N. speech 100 percent right. Unlike President Obama, who blamed America first, Trump always puts America first.

He and his speechwriters also deftly explained to his unfriendly audience what he meant by “America First.”

He said as president of the United States he will always put his country’s interests first, just as each of them would put their country’s interests first.

The U.N. rank and file apparently couldn’t understand that idea, unfortunately, because most of them routinely put themselves first, not their own countries.

Listening to President Trump speak to the U.N. on Tuesday was a real treat — like listening to an American Bibi Netanyahu.

Bibi himself recognized the resemblance, which is why the Israeli leader tweeted his praise for Mr. Trump:

“In over 30 years in my experience with the U.N., I never heard a bolder or more courageous speech.”

Bibi knows the U.N. and how to address it and its gaggle of bureaucrats and professional America-haters.

When the Israeli leader goes before them he always tells them exactly what they need to hear, but there’s one problem –no one ever listens.

It’d be really nice if the U.N. people were listening this time to Trump.

It’d be nice if they’d react positively to his call for the U.N. to do what it was founded to do ‒ defend the sovereignty, security and prosperity of all peaceful countries and stand together against rogue nations like North Korea and Iran.

But unfortunately, in the real world probably half of the U.N. people who come to New York are not coming to work for world peace and greater prosperity.

They’re coming to see their mistresses and rack up hundreds of unpaid parking tickets.


  1. ‘But “Rocket Man” was brilliant.’ ~~ Flaugher.

    Being brilliant yourself, not much gets by you Flaugher. Name calling is always brilliant at that level, especially considering the possible ramifications, something you are incapable of doing. Why don’t you move your deadbeat ass to Seoul and see how brilliant you think that idiot’s taunting of another unstable, nuclear armed tyrant is?

    It’s Mueller Time, Flaugher/Bourgholtzer. Do you love that too?

  2. You and “Bibi” weren’t for the Iraq War were you Raygun?

    Here’s some of your daddy’s BS that led to Pakistan acquiring nuclear weapons, al-Quaeda and the Taliban banning together, (That we are still paying for), and Iraq acquiring weapons with pappy’s help that HW Bush had to fight a war to get rid of;

    “During the spring of 1984 the U.S. reconsidered policy for the sale of dual-use equipment to Iraq’s nuclear program, and its “preliminary results favor[ed] expanding such trade to include Iraqi nuclear entities” [Document 57]. Several months later, a Defense Intelligence Agency analysis said that even after the war ended, Iraq was likely to “continue to develop its formidable conventional and chemical capability, and probably pursue nuclear weapons” [Document 58]. (Iraq is situated in a dangerous neighborhood, and Israel had stockpiled a large nuclear weapons arsenal without international censure. Nuclear nonproliferation was not a high priority of the Reagan administration – throughout the 1980s it downplayed Pakistan’s nuclear program, though its intelligence indicated that a weapons capability was being pursued, in order to avert congressionally mandated sanctions. Sanctions would have impeded the administration’s massive military assistance to Pakistan provided in return for its support of the mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan.)”


    Dumbing down to believing semantics is the ticket to solving the worlds problems is some scary s__t.

    You and “Bibi’s” mentality is killing us Raygun.

    But unfortunately, you’re not alone….

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