Looking at Youth in the 2024 Point in Time Count


    The Point in Time (PIT) Count is a once-a-year count of individuals and families in shelters and places not meant for human habitation, usually happening during the last 10 days in January. This year, the count happened on January 24th in 65 out of 91 counties of the Indiana Balance of State (Marion County completes their own count).

    This year marked the introduction of the Youth Supplemental Survey to the PIT Count. HUD defines homelessness differently than some other federal agencies. Specifically, HUD does not consider individuals who are doubled up or couch surfing to be homeless. The Youth Supplemental Survey collected responses from eligible youth between the ages of 14 and 24 who met an expanded definition of homelessness. A total of 39 eligible responses were collected. You can see these 39 individuals added to the totals of unaccompanied and parenting youth from the 2024 count compared to totals from the past five years.


    We invite the community to attend the 2024 State of Homelessness in the Indiana Balance of State presentation on Wednesday, July 31st, 2024.

    This presentation will talk about:

    • The role that we all play in helping Hoosiers find and keep permanent housing
    • The number and characteristics of people experiencing homelessness as surveyed in the Point-in-Time Count.
    • Overview of the resources available for serving people experiencing homelessness in the Indiana Balance of State



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