Home Community News Local Veterans Honored at the Carver Senior Center

Local Veterans Honored at the Carver Senior Center


Carver’s Retired and Senior Volunteer Program hosted a Veteran Recognition Event at the Carver Senior Center.  Dean Hall was the guest speaker, the University of Evansville ROTC presented colors and RSVP volunteers and members of the USI baseball team assisted veterans during the event.  Each veteran and guest in attendance received a goodie bag filled with tokens of appreciation from United Fidelity, SouthernCare, Humana and Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union.

Each veteran who attended the event received a $10 gift card and were awarded door prizes sponsored by ETFCU and Silver Birch. Veterans and their guest were served a meal catered by Frank Patton Jr. Bar-b-que, which was sponsored by Silver Birch of Evansville.  Veterans also received a lapel pin which was sponsored by Deaconess VNA Home Care and Hospice.  Additional sponsors included:  VFW Post #1114, WinSupply and Midwest Mechanical.

Darryl Woolsey shared his personal military memorabilia collection which included pieces over 100 years old.

Carver Community Organization is a nonprofit organization that has served the Evansville community since 1944. Carver provides programs and services that are dedicated to helping people help themselves by meeting the needs of all generations. For more information about Carver Community Organization please visit carverorg.org or call (812) 423-2612.