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Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement to Brief Strategies to Reduce Violent Crime in Southern Indiana


Local, State, and Federal Law Enforcement to Brief

Strategies to Reduce Violent Crime in Southern Indiana

EVANSVILLE, Ind. – The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) Columbus Field Division, the Indiana State Police, the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor’s Office, the Vanderburgh County Sheriff’s Office, and the Evansville Police Department will discuss collaborative efforts to reduce violent crime in Southern Indiana

WHO: ATF Special Agent in Charge Daryl McCormick, ISP Regional Laboratory Manager Mr. Dan Colbert, Vanderburgh County Prosecutor Diana Moers, Vanderburgh County Sheriff Noah Robinson, and Evansville Police Department Chief Billie Bolin.

WHAT: Briefing of joint strategies to reduce violent crime
ATF will discuss a recent NIBIN (National Integrated Ballistics Information Network) initiative in Evansville, including a display of its mobile NIBIN van, ISP will discuss the new regional lab, including the acquisition of a new NIBIN machine, and the Vanderburgh County Prosecutor will discuss recent grants that have been awarded to establish a local Crime Gun Intelligence Center.

WHEN: Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2023, at 1PM
The principals will provide a briefing on these collaborative initiatives, videographers/still photographers/journalists are welcome to film the ATF NIBIN van. 

WHERE: Indiana State Police Evansville Post
19411 US Hwy 41, Evansville IN

NOTE: This event is planned to be outside in the front parking lot.