After 10 years the highly respected and extremely effective Political Coordinator for the Vanderburgh County GOP party is officially calling it quits.

Having worked 40 plus years as a Secretary/Administrative Assistant in the private sector for several different companies the idea of retiring had seemed like a perfect plan for political activist Mary Jo Kaiser.  However, it didn’t take Mary Jo Kaiser very long to realize retirement is not for everyone.

When then Vanderburgh County GOP Chairman, Wayne Parke, emailed her asking her if she knew someone interested in a part-time position with the Republican Party, she reached out to several women who were looking for a part-time job.  An AHA moment made her realize that this was an opportunity for her.

On Halloween, 2011, Mary Jo Kaiser started working part-time as the Political Coordinator for the Vanderburgh County Republican Party.  Some of the things that intrigued her, during her tenure at the Vanderburgh County GOP were:

  • Really enjoyed working with Lloyd Winnecke when he was running for Mayor of Evansville during his first term.  She had never seen a candidate “work the room” and was impressed with his sincerity with each person he met.
  • Election days were awesome from the time our campaign office opened until the end of the after-election event at 10:00 pm.  Watching our party official’s excitement as the results were announced was an intriguing experience.
  • Working with our dedicated appointed and elected officials over the years.

In June 2012, Mary Jo Kaiser was promoted to the position of Political Director of the Vanderburgh County Republican Party.  While the job did not change much, the opportunities over the next several years were amazing:

  • She really enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life while planning and coordinating social and political events.
  • Another exciting time for Mary Jo was when Governor Holcomb and his campaign team came to our campaign headquarters parking lot to have a rally.
  • She also served as a delegate at State Conventions in Indianapolis, Ft. Wayne, and Evansville.
  • Mary Jo said that the most exciting experience of her time in her position at local GOP was welcoming President Trump as he exited his car in the Ford Center on behalf of the senior citizens of Southern Indiana.  She said, “when he shook her hand, she felt his focus was totally on her during their brief conversation.  When they posed for pictures, he was standing behind me with his hands on her shoulders”.

Today Mary Jo Kaiser begins retirement for the second time in her working career. We wish her well in her new adventures, but hope she will take time for some well-deserved rest and relaxation.

Mary Jo Kaiser has served her political party and community with dedication, class, and grace.


  • Born and raised in Evansville
  • No. 6 in a family of 13
  • Graduated from Mater Dei High School
  • Attended Evansville College
  • Married Leo Kaiser in 1962 -they have a son Rock Kaiser – Wife Mary Beth – Three Grandchildren – Emma Follman (Ben) Joe Kaiser (Judii) Paige Kaiser (Freshman at Purdue.
  • Member of Good Shepherd Catholic Church and Participated in St. Mary of the Woods External Degree Program.
  • Certified as a CPS (Certified Professional Secretary



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