Local Pastor Attends 15th Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage



    Local pastor, Rev. Adrian M. Brooks, Sr. attends 15th Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage during a time as we commemorate the 50th Anniversary of “Bloody Sunday”.

    Selma Alabama, March 6, 2015:  The Faith & Politics Institute is hosting its 15th Congressional Civil Rights Pilgrimage to the historic sites of the Civil Rights Movement in Alabama.

    • Rev. Brooks was asked to join Senator Joe Donnelly’s congressional group to attend the historic event.
    • The pilgrimage is from Friday March 6 – Sunday March 8, 2015.
    • The purpose of the pilgrimage is to visit various sites within the Alabama area important to the Civil Rights Movement as well as a time for reflection and conversation.  It is the intent that the pilgrimage will help those in attendance to retrieve something from the past that holds meaning and relevance to the present.
    • Since his arrival Friday, March 6, 2015 at 10 am, Rev. Brooks has already met with and spoken with various national and international people including, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Colbert Busch, and John Lewis just to name a few.image001
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    1. Rev. Brooks pictured with three of the most radical, left wing politicians in this or any country, Nancy Pelosi, John Lewis, and in the background, Debbie Wasserman Shultz. Oh well.

      • I know, these horrible people that fight for civil rights, egalitarianism, equal opportunities, access to health care, clean air and water, good roads and schools. regulations that keep a level playing field so the oligarchs can’t manipulate the system.

        The nerve of these “far left radicals”!!!

        REAL Americans go to Iraq and kill Muslim savages, let the Megacorps pollute our rivers and do whatever they want and shovel money to the plutocrats correct?

      • I wonder if in the last fifteen events if these democrats have apologized for their record on civil rights.

    2. I have always liked Rev. Brooks and his church, but photo ops with the far left do not impress me much.

    3. Brooks’ stock just dropped with me for posing with Pelosi. She is as partisan and moronic as Trey Gowdy.

      • Both political parties are guilty of “partisan and moronic idiots”. Some use the “religion card”
        for their pretend sainthood!

    4. I should have been a preacher instead of business owner. Free house. Free car. Congregation feeds me twice a week. Run a couple of side businesses under the church tax shelter. Obtain prominence in the community. Get wined and dined by political big wigs. Ride the popular political trends to walk the line between liberal and conservative. No one to answer to and job security forever. What a gig.

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