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Local Evansville Teachers Association Member and Educator


DeLyn Beard 

Selected to Attend the

National Summit on Teacher Diversity 

The United States Department of Education is committed to supporting efforts to increase diversity in the teaching profession so that our teaching force more closely reflects the increasingly diverse student population it serves. As part of this commitment, the Department will host a National Summit on Teacher Diversity on Friday, May 6th at the Department’s Headquarters in Washington, DC.  The Summit’s goal is to support the development of actionable commitments to attracting, preparing, retaining, and supporting educators of color, as well as to spark a national dialogue on this pressing issue.

DeLyn Beard was invited to attend this Summit by Secretary of Education John King.  Ms. Beard was nominated by the National Education Association because of her interests in and abilities to contribute to a nationwide effort to address the lack of diversity in our teaching force.  Ms. Beard’s participation in this summit will expand and deepen her understanding of this issue, as she will exchange ideas with other educational thought leaders around the country regarding how to use her professional position and her sense of agency to affect change in our schools and in our community.

A teacher for 21 years, Ms. Beard currently serves on the Board of Directors for ETA and is an eLearning Coach for EVSC.  Ms. Beard hopes to bring back ideas to share and use to promote increased diversity in our teaching force.