Local Attorney Charged With Check Deception



Local Attorney Jonathan Danks Will  Represent Jared Thomas

Local attorney Jared Thomas has been charged with check deception in Vanderburgh County. The complaint alleges that Mr. Thomas did knowingly issue or deliver a check to acquire money or other property having a value of at least $750.00 knowing that said check would not be honored by a financial institution. The criminal charge is a level six felony, the lowest felony charge in Indiana.

The City County observer contacted attorney Jonathan Danks, who will be representing Jared Thomas, for comment and was provided this statement,

“Jared Thomas has practiced law for 10 years throughout southern Indiana. Due to an expanding practice, Mr. Thomas recently made a change in his billing system that resulted in an overdraft of the firm trust account. Mr. Thomas has repaid the funds to all parties involved and has since taken action to ensure this circumstance will not occur in the future.”

Jared Thomas posted a $500.00 bond, and will appear in the Vanderburgh County Circuit Court for an initial hearing and advisement of rights on July 22, 2021.