As a part of my campaign, we are launching this portion of the jobs plan by hosting a “Job Creation Roundtable†with local business owners and managers. Our first jobs roundtable will be held on September 14th from 11am to 1pm. We will announce a location during the week prior.
My jobs plan offers detailed steps I will take as mayor, but feedback and ongoing, open discussions on job growth must never stop. My hope is that such productive discussions will help us determine more ways we can help local businesses expand and create additional jobs. We need to work harder than ever to promote job creation in our city, and as mayor, it will be my number one priority.
Fix the economy on a national level which will trickle down to our local level, which will create jobs….I could hire 10 people but I have nothing for them to do. Short of moving new businesses into the area to stimulate local growth the national economy has more to do with local growth then most people think, we don’t live in a bubble here along the Ohio river and even though I don’t buy into the “global economy” BS, the national and regional economy around us does have its effect right here in river city.
The problem is that we as a country are moving from a manufacturing based economy to a service based economy…we need less people, and due to advances in technology we need less people even in the few manufacturing jobs we still have in this country. Treaties like NAFTA have made it easy for companies to move manufacturing out of the US to Mexico and Canada further eroding the job market. Heck the secret service just bought 2 $1m dollar plus buses for the president to campaign in (I know) and guess which state built them? Canada.
In the global economy we are just one big happy family and our contribution to that economy is US jobs, yet we keep sending kids to collage to get high priced degrees only to find out that after graduation they have a ton of unforgivable debt and no job prospects…..Did I missed something?
Great idea. Local business owners will have hands on knowledge of local opportunities and resources, and current economic uncertainties that need to be overcome to move the local job creation effort forward. Winnecke has the connections and working knowledge to put this all together and accomplish the goals.
Rumor on the street has it Rick Davis is madly scrambling to put together a press release in reaction to Lloyd Winnecke’s announcement of a job’s roundtable of professionals. They say that Rick is holed up with former state senator, Paul Bitz, who is Rick’s very own David Plouffe, and will drop his bomb during tonight’s debate that he is going public with Davis Jobs Plan Part Two in September about the same time as Obama releases his jobs plan.
Rumor update: Rick just spammed out advance notice of his announcement to be made at 4:15 p.m. today. For some reason he decided not to wait until tonight’s debate. I got to hand it to him, he and Paul sure work fast!
Didn’t Paul Bitz beat former State Senator F. Wesley Bowers in a democratic primary several years ago?
There is no debate tonight. There is a forum tomorrow at Harrison.
Rumor has it teapartyfriend has a quilt made of whole cloth, and is going to wrap it around ANY threat to the “status quo” candidate for his protection,–from the Rick Davis Supporters.
Just some more BS from Winnecke, telling the people what they want to hear. While I do think this is a good ideal, it just puzzles me that, unlike Rick Davis, Winnecke has been in a position (County Council Members) to employ this roundtable discussion and other ideals he’s came up with since being a candiate for Mayor. And what really irks me also is, here he is a man(Winnecke) acting so concern for the people of Evansville when he sat in a meeting with the “good ole boy’s from the Weinzappel administration” and voted to elimate the homestead tax credit without telling any of the people who elected him. IS THIS THE KIND OF MAN WE WANT TO LEAD EVANSVILLE? NOT ME!! “RICK DAVIS FOR MAYOR”
Well Tea Party Friend must have his OWN Mole in Davis’s camp:
Gang: I am happy to announce that I am about to unveil an extensive jobs plan: “Opportunity Evansville,” today at 4:15 p.m.
You will receive an email blast from the Pick Rick Davis campaign at 4:15 p.m., to coincide with my press conference, with details of the plan. Please do your best to read this economic development initiative and as soon as possible go online to leave a POSITIVE COMMENT about our plan. As always, please do not say anything negative about my opponent. Please only leave positive comments and, to give more credence to your comments, please sign your name to your comment.
I have met with many local and state economic development experts over the past several weeks in order to come up with an ACTION PLAN (as opposed to a “conceptual” plan) and I am very excited to share these details with you. I hope you share your enthusiasm regarding my plan with others in the community by going online at http://www.CourierPress.com as soon as you receive your email.
Seems like one of Rick’s All Stars of Yesteryear Advisors must be getting loose lipped. Maybe Paul just forgets to keep a secret.
“I have met with many local and state economic experts over the past several weeks,” claims Rick. Okay, how many and who so we can check credentials and connections, just to be safe, and to ensure none are former employees of Fannie Mae, for example.
Maybe we should VENT his experts
Enough gas emitted already!
See how easily the progressive competition is a chase to the bottom?
Your plan isn’t action oriented, mine is. Your “plan” to transform this community, isn’t as good as my “plan” to transform this community.
I can “do” more than you can, quicker.
Forget liberty, forget freedom, forget the rule of law, forget basic fairness.
Sounds like the same ole cronyism, Weinzapfel Part II. (Davis or Lloyd)
What is your suggestion?
If your crony, progressive government officials don’t meet your expectations… Simply BE dissatisfied & EXPRESS your dissatisfication.
I might consider clicking that reply button and informing the candidate that sometimes economic development experts don’t have a clue?
I might inform them, that sometimes good policy is common sense? That non-elites, might have brains too?
I might stress, that I’m not a crony that will gush POSITIVE COMMENTS, just because I’m asked?
I might remind them that I have the mental capacity to review a plan and will judge it on it’s own merit?
I might inform them that being asked to withhold any feedback that might not be classified “POSITIVE”, to just do what you are told, is somewhat offensive?
I might also mention that twisting arms with statistics/experts is very, status quo, and offers little HOPE for my input to make any difference in your administration?
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