Live Better Longer Seminar



Nicholson, McNamara & Associates, Merrill Lynch Wealth Advisors and Senior Connection will hold a Live Better Longer Seminar with Experts on longevity and aging studies from the MIT Age Lab on August 25th at 6:00 p.m. at the Crescent Room at Milestones 621 S Cullen Avenue (corner of Bellemeade and Cullen Avenue).

The program will discuss the key ingredients to living well and longer. Financial security is one of those key ingredients. We will discuss steps that people at any stage of life can take now to prepare for greater financial security, including defining their priorities, outlining goals and beginning to develop a strategy around longevity.

This informational program is designed for pre-retirees and retirees that are interested in preparing for the second half of life in order to live better and longer lives. This is an educational program. Heavy Hors d’oeuvres will be served. The event is open to the public. It is free, but registration is required. Please call Hannah Conner at 812-473-7313 or toll free at 800-365-0644 for reservations.