
    Attached are links to news article pertaining to people questions and concerns about “SMART WATER METERS” installations.  These links was sent to us by one of our bloggers which got our attention and we decided to post them.  The articles speaks for themselves.  If any of our readers have pro or con news article pertaining to new “SMART WATER METERS” please send us them and we shall publish them without opinion,  editing or bias.

    Bay City Issues

    Baltimore Issues

    San Francisco Issues

    Colorado Issues


    1. With the savings on eliminating the meter readers, the utility (if it has a conscious) should never ask the customer to foot any of the billing on installing the meter for it was working fine before! It was the utilities decision to replace these, not the customers! If the excuse was the meter may be slow or fast, who says the new ones are perfect? The utility company has a cost to putting these in, a fool would believe it is not coming out of the customers pocket eventually!

      • In addition to trying to pass off project costs (i.e., pipe replacements) to the Citizens, this project is running about 1 year behind schedule. The accounting firm who represents the City said in its submissions to IURC that 2013 and 2014 would be the installation years. Now the C&P said (in mid-November) that “this time next year” the project will be done.

        Does this 1-year schedule slippage mean that the savings calculations which supported this albatross are now even less truthful than the fudge from the CPA’s ?

    2. Good info. I received a notice that I had some sort of problem with my system but nothing specific. My question is, what did Jack McNeely say to the City Council that changed a CC vote from 7-2 against to 9-0 for? Also in my humble opinion we add, big I, little U, McGinn to the beaver, messy grouping.

      • pov,

        Allow me to go out on a limb and speculate that what Jack McNeely told the Council concerning the Johnson Controls project was EXACTLY the same as what Wayne Parke told the Council concerning the Downtown Hotel project: if you don’t vote in favor of this project, you CAN’T get elected ! (not WON”T get elected . . . CAN’T get elected).

    3. A poster this past weekend commented on problems experienced with Johnson Controls Smart Meters employed in Mt. Vernon, IN. I believe it was the poster ‘danceswithwolves’, who appears to be a Civic Center insider.

      Anyone from Mt. Vernon who witnessed these problems ?

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