Link to Weaver Interview: Supplement to IS IT TRUE


IS IT TRUE that the CCO would like each and every one of our readers to review the interview that Jonathan Weaver gave to Fox 7 where he accused Rick Davis supporters of being sign thieves, doing dirty deeds, and running covert behind the scenes tricks that are sometimes called black ops?…that on closer examination that Weaver actually had the audacity to demand that Davis has to change to be on HIS TEAM?…that “EARTH TO WEAVER, YOU DON”T HAVE A TEAM” needs to be on a prominent billboard in Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that Evansville Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel has now gone on record as making a choice to support neither Lloyd Winnecke or Rick Davis?…that our Mayor is so disgusted that he will have to make his way in the real world that he flatly does not care who leads Evansville?…that now that is hand picked protege’ Troy Tornatta is out of the race that Mayor Weinzapfel no longer gives a _________ about who leads Evansville?

IS IT TRUE that City of Evansville Attorney David Jones a self described lifetime Democrat is quoted in the Courier and Press as saying that “I think (Davis) has been nothing but negative, has coalesced most of the backbiters and naysayers and has not put forth anything that’s positive.”?…that he went on to blast Davis over deciding not to accept Troy’s debate challenge with the following statement “For somebody that’s supposed to be transparent, as he purports to be, to shirk and hide and not be willing to stand up in front of the public is, that’s absurd. I’m shocked at that.”?…that this does not sound like a man who is hoping to bid to keep the City of Evansville legal contract should 2012 bring with it a Davis Administration?

Charlie Sheen
IS IT TRUE that Evansville has nothing to be proud of to see our senior elected officials on camera and in print doing a mass Charlie Sheen imitation?…that Manny, Moe, and Jack or even Curly, Larry, and Moe are more worthy of imitating than Charlie Sheen?…that you don’t have to be a Sheenius to be elected?

IS IT TRUE that the halls of government and wannabe elected officials in Evansville sound like a high school prom after the valedictorian beat the jock for prom king?…that if this is the exclamation point to the dismantling of the so called machine then the dismantling needs to continue until the last member of Team Weinzapfel is in the private sector EARNING A LIVING?…that perhaps General Sherman was right in his decision to scorch the red earth of Georgia on his march to the sea?…that perhaps a scorched earth moment is needed to completely dismantle the mythical machine that thought it ran Evansville until Tuesday?

IS IT TRUE that the interview is on the following link?


  1. The People (Voters) had a Voice on Election Day, and the “Chosen ones/Rulers” didn’t like it. Hum—,
    Does that describe the Citizenry’s motivation for Evansville’s “Revolution” on Tuesday?

    Things are looking up,–“The Worst” will be behind us soon.

  2. Sunshine, Lollypops, Rainbows and Puppies. Golly Gee Aunt Em, if we just “think good” everything will turn out ok. Sorry people it takes skills and leadership not earnestness.

    • Yes you are most certainly correct. While thinking good thoughts will not necessarily lead to good results, thinking evil thoughts nearly always leads to negative consequences. By the way we know you are not Councilman John.

    • Create any reality you want to live in Curt, Tuesdays reality written by the Citizenry, was the rejection of the Leadership you slobber over, by the PEOPLE who really “run” the show.—- the Vote leaves your ego and the rest of King Weinzaple’s minions in “Yesterday’s” file. Go pull the covers over your head, your misery is irrevelent to Evansville’s Future.

  3. OK, what’s an election without a conspiracy theory? I’ve conjured up a good one. Try it on for size….

    Why did the republican party field such a marginal ticket in the presidential race in 2008? Did anyone really believe that McSame and that moroness Palin could really get elected? Of course not. I suspect the republican “powers that be” didn’t want to win that election.

    Considering the state of the economy and what had to be done to try to get things back on track, republicans preferred to be in the cat birds seat rather than out front leading the way. They wanted to lose so they could then blame everything bad on the democrats and get their ducks in a row for the next time around.

    Could the same be true this time in Evansburgh? Could it be that the democrats really didn’t want to win the mayoral race which is why they fielded such a weak candidate as the one-time loser Troy and then got so upset that Davis placed himself in the contest?

    After all, let’s consider one important, upcoming issue. What is the elephant in the room that few spoke of during the race? Consolidation maybe? It is quite apparent that the “powers that be” want consolidation passed no matter what it takes. The stage has been set to almost guarantee its passage.

    Now, with consolidation being the hot button issue for the next mayor’s term and rural voters almost guaranteed to be infuriated with its passage, why would the democrats want to be the ones taking the blame?
    Wouldn’t it be far better to let the republicans have their turn at playing mayor, get consolidation passed on their watch and thus be the ones to incur the longterm wrath of rural voters? After all, rural voters are primarily republican. Doesn’t this issue have the potential to create very longterm hostility toward the republican party from the very people who, in the future, would play a major role in getting republican mayors elected in a primarily democratic city?

    Just food for thought and maybe fuel for a chuckle or two. Then again, if you win the booby prize, what did you really win?

    • Way too far fetched considering the egomaniacs who filed their candidacies. And I think Weinszapel just got sick and tired of his own party regulars bashing on him, and said screw it.

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