Link to the study that Earthcare says the DOD conducted


The following reports cover states that it was authored by Roger X. Lenard of the Concurrent Technologies Corporation. We must say that both Mr. Lenard and CTC ( have multiple positive citations on Google covering a long period of time. The person whom this study was prepared for is Mr. Omar Mendoza who is a special advisor for technology for the Air Force Energy Program Management Office.

Furthermore this document is basically a road map on how to do a technology audit (VETTING) with a recommendation to the Air Force to investigate the feasibility of the Langson device. The document was issued in the fall of 2011 and addressed to the Air Force. It is not a DOD issued document nor does it endorse Langson’s technology.

What it does do is call for is further investigation and expresses an opinion with respect to the energy that may be available to be extracted by the Langson device if it really is what it claims to be.

The City County Observer endorsed and encourages the completion and publication of what this paper calls for prior to any consideration that the City of Evansville may give to funding a start up company.

It is also not clear from this paper if it was paid for by the Air Force, Langson Energy, or Earthcare Energy. It is clear that it is addressed to the United States Air Force.

Concurrent Technologies Report Prepared for DOD


  1. “The City County Observer endorsed and encourages the completion and publication of what this paper calls for prior to any consideration that the City of Evansville may give to funding a start up company.”

    * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

    And here is the place to start:

    Contact Information

    Earthcare Energy, LLC
    4830 Wilson Road
    Suite 300-132
    Humble, TX 77396
    Phone: (916) 284-0160


  2. I think vectren is already in on it,,I would like to start a business,,,and I,dont Need no more than 100,000 wish me luck

    • Vectren is just demonstrating this according to the C&P, they have little or no financial involvement, although they could put the 5 million up out of petty cash.

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