Link to Petition for Indiana to Peacefully Seceed from the United States


While we hope for stability and acceptable compromise we encourage those who wish to send a message to the White House to sign this petition and await a response.


  1. Do these people have nothing better to do? Come to think of it, I have something better to do than read this.

  2. I am almost certain I read that the Constitution of the State of Indiana prevents secession from the United States of America. I’ll go check and report back. But if so, I think there is not a fart’s chance in a tornado of the Indiana State Legislature passing an amendment to allow such a horrible mistake.

    • The only reason I wouldn’t necessarily want secession for Indiana right now is because Mike Pence is the Governor-elect. He would be about as bad as the Federal Government in my estimation.

  3. Look around fools. The liberals have destroyed education, individual
    responsibility, the Contsitution and are in the process of brain washing
    us in the name of political correctness combined with massive Dem
    voter fraud. Time to revolt. Succession!!!

    • “Succession” is the act or process of following in order or sequence. In politics that would mean ascension to power by one ruler, official, or monarch after the death, resignation, or removal from office of another. So, I guess you advocate individual states ruled by a king, a queen, a tribal chief, or a hereditary dictator?

      • Look at your history. ie…Jefferson Davis. He wasn’t a king, tribal chief or hreditary dictator. He was chosen by the 11 states that seceeded, that also doesn’t mean the govenor would be the first person in line. The voting process does not end

          • You ever have one of those days when you realize your allies in a quest are half-baked and in need of more education?

            I’ve had those days attending “tea party” rallies, and now I’m having another one.

    • I believe the States are in a voluntary Union and have the inherent right to secede. If there is no right to secession from the Union, which was completely voluntary to begin with, then we live inside a prison and a federal dictatorship. The idea of Federalism is dead.

      And no, you can’t just leave. Even if you did, the US will not recognize renouncing of your US citizenship. They will track you down and make you pay taxes wherever you go. You, me, and every other “blessed” American are nothing more than slaves. Even if you tried to leave, they’d take a large portion of your wealth just for the privilege of walking out the door, then they’d track you down and take a cut the rest of your natural life, as if you’re the poor shop keeper in a Mario Puzo novel.

    • You need to look in the dictionary before you correct peoples spelling. Both words are correct and mean the same thing. Secession is us in reference to the 11 states that left the union. An act or instance of seceding. We are not there yet

      • You’re wrong. The term “succession” when referring to a State means a state that comes AFTER another one, as in a King’s SUCCESSOR to his throne. That is not what we are talking about here. It’s a completely different concept.

        Before you correct the corrector, make sure you have the intellectual weapons necessary for proper combat.

  4. If Indiana Succeed from the United States, does than mean Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps free cells phones, free government housing stop..if it does all the older people over 65 that get SS will be moving, and the young people that get all the free stuff will be gone to a state that will still give then the free Obama stuff..

    • Possibly. The first State to take the plunge and formally secede can be assured many people will leave, just as many loyalists fled to Canada when the 13 colonies seceded from the British Empire, but something else is also assured…whoever stays will be free from the long train of abuses that has become our federal bureaucracy. They will not have to pay tribute for the privilege of seeing their currency devalued, their military used for propping up dictatorships and puppet regimes, and true intent and the liberty-loving, self-reliant spirit of the union completely pissed upon.

      The United States was a grand experiment in what could be. It has been thoroughly squandered. My take on this is let some state step forward and take that plunge. Like Davy friggin Crockett, I will be moving there the very next day.

      • Your not alone. Hopefully there would be enought states to hold us all. Can you imagine…a government by the people for the people….the end of socialistic programs that feed off the producers of our country. How we would prosper and be free of Big government that controls every thing we do.

  5. In his July 4, 1861 address to Congress, President Lincoln called the doctrine of the secessionists “an insidious debauching of the public mind.” “They invented,” he said, “an ingenious sophism, which, if conceded, was followed by perfectly logical steps, through all the incidents, to the complete destruction of the Union. The sophism itself is, that any state of the Union may, consistently with the national Constitution, and therefore lawfully, and peacefully, withdraw from the Union, without the consent of the Union, or of any other state.”

  6. When our constitution was signed someone asked Ben Franklin what kind of government the Founders had created..Benjamin Franklin said…”A Republic, if you can keep it” Republic vs Democracy……Rule by Law vs Rule by Majority. Well obviously we haven’t kept it and I am finding out most people don’t even know about it. A Republic is representative government ruled by the law (the Constitution) A Democracy is direct government ruled by the majority (mob rule) kinda looks like that is where we are at right now. A Republic recognizes the inalienable right of individuals while democracies are only concerned with group wants of needs (The public good)

  7. Our Republic Constitutional government was founded on protecting us from all other forms of government including democratic government. Democracies always self-destruct when the non-productive majority realizes that it can vote itself handouts from the productive minority (Romneys figures where off a little where the 47 percenters where concerned seeing the outcome of the election)by electing the candidate promising the most benefits from the public treasury. To keep their power, these candidates must adopt an always increasing tax and spend policy to satisfy the ever increasing wants of the majority. As taxes increase, incentive to produce decreases, causing many of the once productive to drop out and join the non productive. When there isn’t enough producers left to fund the legitimate functions of government and the socialist programs, the democracy will collapse, then to be followed by a Dictatorship.

  8. I am tired of poiiticians using..our democracy…Even though nearly every politician, teacher, journalist and citizen believes our Founders created a deocracy,,, it is not true. The founders repeatedlu stated they had founded a Republic. Article IV Section 4, of the Constitution “guarantees to every state in this union a Republican form of government” The word Democracy in not mentioned not even one time in the Constitution. Madison warned us of the dangers of democracies,…He said “We may define a republic to be… a government which derives all its powers directly or indirectly form the great body of the people, and is administered by persons holding their offices during pleasure for a limmited period or during good behavior. It is essential to such a government that it be derived from the great body of the society, not for an incosidrable proportion or a favored class of it, otherwise a handful of tyrannical nobles, exercising their oppressions by a delegation of their powers, might aspire to the rank of republicans and claim for their government the honorable title of republic.” James Madison, Federalist No. 10. (1787)
    yes…the idea of succession agress with me even a Revolution wouldn’t hurt my feelings, Because this government is all wrong and we have Obama in offices who wants the change the constitution. It is time people stand up for what our Founders created for this country before it is to late. We are on a downward trail…but we can change it. People please do something. I posted all this to educate you what our government is about. I am sure if you are a taker you dont care as long as you get your handouts…but the rest of us…we can’t sit by anymore and let these people drag out country down, lets stand up and be what we are supposed to be and take our country back from those who promote and use the socialist programs that exsists and takes from us the producers. Sign the petitions..that is a beginning and their is so much more to do

    • If you have to quote the Constitution to someone, chances are you’re wasting your breath.

      You and I know what a Republic is… Problem is, there are a hundred million brainless zombie voters out there who have no clue.

      If at first you don’t secede, try try again.

    • …and for god’s sake, it’s “secession”, NOT “succession”. Secede means to “remove from”. Succeed means to “come after” or “to follow”.

      They are two totally different words that mean totally different things. Insisting on using the wrong word for what it is you want to do will only hurt you and your ideas in the long run. It gives the opposition an easy target for ridiculing you.

      Just friendly advice. 😉

  9. i know the problem, its called a union. the GOP and tea party don’t recognize a union. it should have been called a marriage.

    • After the mess that Obama has made of this government and this economy it is no wonder that most of the United States have engaged in this bid for secession. I suggest that those who oppose the incompetent morons of the Obama Regime keep up with the harassment of our Golfer-in-Chief until he voluntarily resigns from his office, and hands it over to the BFD-in-Chief, Joey Biden, who probably won’t last more than 18 hours before the Secret Service turns him over to an insane asylum.

  10. Time to take back what’s rightfully ours the forefathers would be turning in there graves if they new what the government has done to this country

  11. i hope the US government will accept that every person who has signed these succession petitions has just renounced their US citizenship. I hope each person receives notice their resignation is accepted along with an exist visa that must be executed within 30 days. Just fill in the nation where you wish to emigrate & the date you will be leaving the United States. Since the total amount of signatures on all these petitions only adds up to less than 100,000 nationwide, no State will even be losing 1% of it’s population and there are millions throughout the world waiting for visas to come to the USA. I am sorry these people no longer want to be US citizens, but since they do not believe in our free elections or our Bill of Rights they are not Americans and will never be happy in our democracy.

    • I would LOVE to renounce my citizenship. Show me the way, brother! That would mean I’d be free to live and work anywhere in the world I want without the IRS coming after me.

      By the way, the US is NOT a “democracy”. It’s a Republic. Huge difference. And it’s not that people wanting secession are against the Bill of Rights.

      If you’re not going to take the time to understand it, if you’re just going to regurgitate some crap you heard on TV, then please just get out of the debate. Do yourself a favor and before you speak again, go back and read the Declaration of Independence. The people not only have the RIGHT to abolish unfit governments, they have the DUTY.

      We have suffered the proverbial “long train of abuses” Jefferson talked about. If we do this now, it can be done peacefully. If we wait for the inevitable collapse of the Empire, it will not be so pretty. How do I know this? History is cyclical, my friend. The writing is on the wall.

  12. I beleive if any state wants to succeed they have full right to do so,because it would be hypocritical to say they could not when the untied states basically succeeded from great britian,if obama has a problem with it then he is basically being hypocritical on the states that want to do this

  13. It is time politicians live on the same money everyone else does . They should not be allowed to have their salary increase when so many are out of work. I understand why a state would leave the union. Somehow a state needs to really think about what they will do about social security, pensions widoes receive from the VA. They have started shooting yet I hardly think it will be peacefully. Lord will come soon. So I am interested to see what happens

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