Libertarians to Occupiers: Crony capitalism is the problem



October 14, 2011

Contact: Wes Benedict, Executive Director
Phone: 202-333-0008 ext. 222

Libertarians to Occupiers: Crony capitalism is the problem

WASHINGTON – Libertarian Party Chair Mark Hinkle released the following statement today:

“I have been following the Occupy protesters, who call themselves the ‘99%’, with interest.

“It’s true that 99% of Americans do not enjoy the special benefits of crony capitalism. Crony capitalism is very different from real capitalism. In crony capitalism, government hands out special favors and protections to politically well-connected businesses.

“The TARP bailouts, Solyndra, and the military-industrial complex are all facets of crony capitalism.

“Libertarians love free markets and hate crony capitalism.

“Unfortunately, hypocritical Republican politicians have taught a lot of Americans to think that ‘free markets’ means freedom for government and big business to engage in crony capitalism.

“That’s not what free markets are. A free market is where the government leaves businesses alone, does not attempt to pick winners and losers, does not stifle competition, does not hand out corporate welfare, and does not absolve businesses of liability for their actions. Most of our economy today does not resemble a free market at all.

“It’s unfortunate that so many businesses today go to the government begging for handouts and special treatment. I wish they wouldn’t. But the real problem is the politicians who choose to give those favors to them, at everyone else’s expense.

“I hope the Occupy protesters will start to direct their anger away from Wall Street and big businesses, and toward our government, which has done so much to destroy free markets and entrench crony capitalism.”

For more information, or to arrange an interview, call LP Executive Director Wes Benedict at 202-333-0008 ext. 222.

The LP is America’s third-largest political party, founded in 1971. The Libertarian Party stands for free markets, civil liberties, and peace. You can find more information on the Libertarian Party at our website.


    • Definitely a truthful piece. I only wish he would have suggested the occupiers include protesting the government in addition to Wall Street, instead of laying it all at the government’s doorstep. However, until we as a people have the cajones to truly stand up to both, it wouldn’t make a difference anyway. Like Dad used to say “Son, money talks and B.S. walks.”

  1. If only the Tea Partyers and the Occupy movement could see that they have a common enemy..

    • It would be easier if the Tea Party could get past all their distracting, multi-issue sloganeering, come together, and focus solely on the fact that 1% of the population is using divisive politics to keep us all fighting one another so they can continue to accumulate and protect the wealth that’s been redistributed to the top. The Occupiers have done that, and would welcome their Tea Party brothers and sisters if they’d do the same.

      • This may happen in Evansville. On the national scene there is already too much outside mischief to bring these two groups together.

        • I do not believe you will see the local tea party embracing these occupiers. There is no comparison in the two groups.

          One group is espousing socialist, if not communist, mantra and bigger government.

          The other group is more the conservative, the constitution means what it says, wing of the republican party, which, if it had selected the slate of candidates for its party, Evansville voters would have some REAL choices in the November 7th election.

          This rabble at the 4 Freedoms will never form a party and never sow anything but discontent. My personal belief is that they are being handled by forces loyal to the President in an effort to distract voters from the deplorable performance of the Obama administration. An administration that knows how to run a group like these “occupiers”, but does not have a clue how to run a country like the United States of America.



          • We shall see. When I went down to cover the organizational meeting for the CCO the other night there were plenty of Ron Paul supporters, Libertairians, 2nd Amendment Patriots, and Tea Partiers there. Actually those groups made up about half of the crowd. I am heading down today to do some interviewing and will hopefully have some more on it for tomorrow.

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