Libertarian View of Weiner, Edwards, Gingrich, and Similar Creatures


June 6, 2011

Dear Friend of Liberty,

John Edwards was the Democratic vice presidential nominee in 2004, and he was a leading contender for the presidential nomination in 2008. We all now know he cheated on his wife and lied to America about it throughout much of that time. Now he’s facing potential jail time if convicted of using campaign funds for a cover-up.

Democratic Congressman Anthony Weiner has put on quite a show lately.

The soap operas aren’t confined to Democrats. Republican California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger recently confessed to cheating for decades and had a child he hid from the public for years.

Not that long ago, Newt Gingrich was cheating on one of his ex-wives while haranguing Bill Clinton over Monica Lewinsky.

A few other names come to mind: Al Gore, Mark Foley, Jesse Jackson Sr., Jesse Jackson Jr., and Mark Sanford.

Some people argue that these people’s private lives should not be of concern to the public.

A counter-argument is that people who lie about their private lives are also likely to lie about official business as well. Could they also lie about weapons of mass destruction, or global warming, or the necessity of a trillion-dollar bailout?

So what’s my point? That Libertarians are more honest than Republicans and Democrats?

Actually, no. My point is, human beings are fallible, and many of us are dishonest and easily corrupted.

That’s one of the reasons why government should have as little power as possible. When human beings have the power to control others’ lives, our natural fallibility makes us very dangerous.

What’s worse, power tends to corrupt us and make us even more dishonest, conniving, and cruel.

We Libertarians understand that humans are fundamentally imperfect, and we will always be imperfect.

Libertarians aren’t simply looking for honest politicians. We are looking for politicians who understand this problem, and who will stand on principle to take power away from government, and return it to the individual.


Wes Benedict
Executive Director
Libertarian National Committee


  1. Fairly decent point at the end.

    But there is a distinct difference between using government offices, facilities, and campaign cash – Clinton, Weiner, Edwards. (And, lying under oath or in press reports about it.)

    Yes, Arnold, Sanford and Gingrich had affairs, but…

    To miss the SIGNIFICANT distinctions, and to imply they should all just be treated the same, while somewhat lecturing us to understand the problem…?

    That’s just one more muddled, inconsistent message…

  2. There is a significant difference between lying under oath , oral sex in the Whitehouse Oval office and cheating on your wife. Any “haranguing” done was more than deserved.

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