LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Statement in Response to call for Cheryl Musgrave to Resign


If we removed everyone from a board or commission who wasn’t an attorney and who made a practical Cherylsuggestion without navigating statutory authority, we wouldn’t have anyone left to serve.

It’s true that the McCurdy would be easier to transfer to a new owner and more marketable down the road if the parking lot were owned by the same entity that owns the structure.

A review of the relevant statute (36-7-14-22) outlines a path for conveyance of the parking lot to the owner of the McCurdy if that were so desired by the Economic Redevelopment Commission. While appraisals and a bid process would be required, the ERC could ultimately convey the property to whomever it determined would best facilitate the redevelopment plan.

However, the fact that the statute does not prohibit Ms. Musgrave’s suggestion is not what is most disturbing about the events of yesterday and today. What’s most disturbing is the hallmark characteristic of the Winnecke Administration in attacking personally anyone who dares to ask questions, seek transparency or suggest an alternate path.

We have seen numerous instances in public meetings where Steve Schaefer, Mike Shopmeyer and Kelley Coures became irate and lobbed personal insults at Ms. Musgrave for asking questions. What I have never seen is a response from Ms. Musgrave that was anything but calm and professional. Ms. Musgrave epitomizes professionalism. She represents an era that has apparently passed in Evansville- an era where members of the community and government could interact on tough issues without the person raising the issue being attacked personally and dismissed from the public arena.

When Ms. Musgrave made her suggestion Tuesday, there was no statement made by the ERC attorney or Mr. Coures that the relevant statute was complicated or prohibited her suggestion. Her suggestion was made in passing and was not discussed. Instead, the media and at least one member of city council were contacted and an attack launched on Ms. Musgrave for allegedly calling for an illegal act. Whatever happened to the use of the public meeting as the best place for government actions to be discussed and debated?

It’s unfortunate that opinions and thoughts for which the Winnecke Administration doesn’t agree must be so harshly attacked. The last 3.5 years of this methodology has had a chilling effect on public debate and has left the community without a forum for determining what’s best for progress and what progress even means to a majority of people. When people who question or challenge government action or plans are called obstructionists, crazy, stupid, acting with political motivation, etc. it leaves less people at the table to make decisions and the community suffers from such bullying.

We support Cheryl Musgrave in her role on the ERC and as an active member of the community who has a right to question her government and should live without fear of retaliation that negatively affects her family or her ability to earn a living. It’s not only a right to publicly challenge government action but a duty we all share. These are just words. We should welcome every voice and be grateful people care enough to show up and give an opinion.


Stephanie Brinkerhoff-Riley 3th Ward City Councilwoman

Connie Robinson. 4th Ward City Councilwoman

Al Lindsey 6th Ward City Councilman

Conor O’Daniels City Councilman at Large


  1. Winnecke’s opaque and patently untrustworthy administration must be cleansed from Evansville. They slunk into office via the most vile of political machinations. They have no mandate. They have no class. They have no plan. They have no hotel.

    We can’t fix what’s wrong with these people but we can show them the door this November. Cheryl Musgrave is a more accomplished person than any of them. They see her as a threat, thus the calls from the lightweights for her resignation.

    • It’s ironic the prior Democratic regime, with their all time incompetent ERC that steered the McCurdy project straight into the iceberg, gets a pass from the 4 Democrat signers of the above letter.

  2. Excellent. Cheryl, you’re the brightest crayon in the box, and sharpest tool in the shed.

    If it looks like a duck

    “What’s most disturbing is the hallmark characteristic of the Winnecke Administration in attacking personally anyone who dares to ask questions, seek transparency or suggest an alternate path.”

    This “hallmark characteristic” is common to con-men – liars and thieves.

    You decide. …

    • Sounds like two guys that got their Butts beat and a
      Threatner and Connie being Connie really sour grapes!!!

      • What’s a “Threatner”? Is that anything like being ignert? Your second grade teacher called and wants you stop posting online.

        • So I left an e out pardon me mr. or mrs. perfect but your petty insults will never silence me. I feel I pretty much like I hit the nail on head. Threatener is a word check yourself

  4. Did Weaver actually attend the ERC meeting–or was he called by his handlers and told to go on TV and disparage Ms. Musgrave ?

  5. It is to bad Cheryl Musgrave does not use her energy to support the best interest of Evansville.

    I wish she and others would not refer to her as being a Republican. As far as I am concern she is not a Republican. In June 2014, I removed her from the position of Vice Precinct Committeeman because of her repeated unacceptable behavior of being against good things for Evansville/Vanderburgh County.

    Wayne Parke
    Chairman VCRP

    • Wayne

      Your comments are not only repugnant and detestable, they utterly fail to recognize the numerous years of dedicated service Cheryl has given to the Republican party. Your comments go way beyond the simple petty shenanigans we expect from you, they stray into the realm of showing how uneducated you are and why nobody of substance can stand you. Every time you come on the CCO and post drivel like this it shows what a failure you are.

      You are not a big enough person to handle this type of complaint in a professional manner, and it is clear that you are jealous of the intelligence and insight Cheryl possesses, and your comments are childish, immature, and infantile. If there was ever a poster child of someone who needs to “grow up”, it would be you.

      The person who is most culpable in fitting the example of NOT “using their energy to support the best interest of Evansville” is you.

      You repeatedly come on the CCO to bash people who disagree with you or your chosen tool fools, and then you run and hide like the crying little whiny baby that you are. You have failed repeatedly to answer questions from members of the public in response to your bashing of people on here, which only supports the theory held by numerous people that you are a stain on the local community.

      Your failed political blundering show up each time you do your patented “drive by” assassination attempts. Cheryl is an upstanding member of the local community, and it is dimwits like you who cannot stand the thought of a bright and intelligent woman who is selflessly giving her time and expertise that make me literally sick to my stomach.

      Of all the various Republican Chairmen in the history of Evansville, you are clearly the biggest failure of the local Republican party. You are a complete failure who has no clue what leadership really is. Do us all a favor and stop the “drive by” slandering of loyal community and citizen members who work tirelessly to make Evansville and Vanderburgh County a better place.

    • Thank God you don’t get to decide how people refer to themselves politically. Your statement here is beyond the pale in terms of narcissistic crazy.

    • @Mr. Parke: is this your jump the shark moment to criticize Cheryl Musgrave, or do you actually believe what you write ?

    • You don’t seem to have a problem with Weaver and Mosby still calling themselves Democrats, even though their first loyalty is to you, Wayne.

      • Winnecke is running scared or they’d pull Parke in. His scribblings are born of desperation. Winnecke’s hit people are of a very low order: The Mosby, Weaver and Parke.

    • Wayne, what you say about Musgrave I say about you, Winnecke and many of his underling boot kissers. You are not Republicans. All of you and Weaver and Mosby have displayed repeated unacceptable behavior of being against what is best for Evansville/Vanderburgh County and its taxpayers.

    • Hey, Wayne you can’t have your cake and eat it too . . you have exchanged one republican for two Democrats (Weaver and Mosby) which happen to be on Council . . Enjoy!!

  6. Mrs Musgrave gives us an intelligent view most time, not one I always agree with, but thought out and WTH i may nnot always agree with her but I know it is thought out and her opinion, not something she has been told to say.

    • I may not always agree with Cheryl, just like I don’t always agree with some of the Democrats who signed this letter, although I like and respect them a great deal. I also like and respect her and her opinions. She always has the people’s best interests at heart.

    • I may not always agree with Cheryl, just like I don’t always agree with some of the Democrats who signed this letter, although I like and respect them a great deal. I also like and respect her and her opinions. She always has the people’s best interests at heart.

      It’s called having a brain and thinking for yourself, Wayne. I know you don’t have much tolerance for people who think for themselves, but Cheryl can call herself a Republican if she wants. You don’t seem to have any trouble with people who are in your pocket and continue to call themselves Democrats.

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