LETTER TO THE EDITOR: North Main Street Criminal Activities

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: North Main Street Criminal Activities
I find it interesting that Evansville Watch this morning posted a picture of a sign posted on the front of a business located on North Main advertising a $500 award for the arrest of persons involved in a Feb 19  slashing of car tires in that area.
This is the same area that the City is spending $18 million dollar in upgrading  streets and sidewalks and installing new lighting that claim will make the “criminals run” as described by a City Council person in a recent City Council meeting.
It’s interesting to talk to citizens that lives one or two blocks either side of North Main to see their thoughts on the improvements.   Criminals might run away from the city installed security lighting on North Main street.   However,  one or two blocks away nothing will change in those areas unless more police are put on the street.


  1. At least the criminals will have more light to see the more valuable stuff to steal
    I’d be willing to bet the sign has already been stolen

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