I am writing to say a huge “Thank you” to the person or persons who made the file on the investigation of the admitted predatory activities of Jack Schriber available to the media. If you had not done what you did,  Mayor Lloyd Winnecke would have not made the information public until after the election, if ever, because he wanted the votes that the immensely popular educator would “pull” for him. The Mayor had encouraged his friend and mentor to run because he knew the respect people had for Jack would win votes for the entire GOP ticket.

Now, Winnecke has admitted that he knew about the investigation in July. It is important to note that he only saw fit to tell the whole truth about when he knew what after Rob Faulkner spoke with the media about the certainty that Winnecke and Bolin attempted a Watergate-style cover up of the truth until after the election. They knew they needed the votes that Mr. Schriber would bring to their ticket.

I think we should award our mayor an honorary “BS” in “integrity,” as he claims he was “protecting the integrity of the investigation.” The truth is that he allowed Mr. Schriber to continue campaigning for nearly three months.  He had planned to keep the secret and let t Mr. Szhriber serve on City Council as a “rubber stamp” to whatever he wanted. It would have been easy to get whatever he wanted from Schriber as long as he had that file. If the cat somehow got out of the bag, he could always get Schriber to resign and Winnecke and Wayne Parke would install another person to do their bidding. A true friend would have gone to Schriber and asked him to bow out of the race in July, instead of subjecting him to what Jack has faced in the past two days. The always self-serving Mayor chose to take a chance on keeping things quiet and benefitting from the votes, instead of allowing his “dear friend” to save face.

Even worse, what Winnecke and Parke have done is effectively attempt to steal the At-Large votes and cast them for their choice of a person to sit on Council, as they are sure that they can work their will on the party caucus. I have heard that the planned substitute for Schriber is none other than Wayne Parke himself.

Those of you who still wish to vote for Republicans should not vote a “straight ticket” unless you want to give up your vote for Council-at-Large. If enough straight ballots are cast to allow Mr. Schriber to win, that will let Parke and Winnecke choose who fills the vacant seat. If you don’t want them to make your choice for you, you should vote for individual names and leave Mr. Schriber out.  By not running anyone against Weaver, they’ve already compromised the votes of their party members, but this makes it even worse. If you already voted absentee, you can cancel that ballot by going to the polls in person.

Even if you are a die-hard Republican, please ask yourself if you believe Winnecke is fit for office. The pathetic job of leadership he has done this past four years and his clear dishonesty by continuing to use Jack Schriber once he knew that Schriber was unfit for office should make it hard for anyone to support him. Evansville deserves better than this.


Laura Blackburn



  1. This will fall on deaf ears to our local straight ticket republicans like Balloon boy. He’d vote for a satanic, baby killing, meth smoking, seal clubbing child rapist just as long as that R shows up on the ballot. Just look at South Carolina. They elected a guy to Congress who got caught paying for hookers with taxpayer dollars all because he was a Republican. Screaming as loudly as you can about jeebus this, jeebus that also goes a long way to your average republican simpleton.

    • Your description sounds more like a democrat. Are you sure you’re not a latent republican?

    • From you Bob, that means nothing. But on the positive side it was creative how you expressed your bigotry against Christians.

  2. Just as disgusting as Faulkner’s piece, Laura. Nobody in Evanspatch politics has any shame when it comes to slandering.
    No matter how they vote, I would suggest voters immediately go home and shower after casting their ballots in an attempt to wash off the sleaze.

    • @disaffected: I completely disagree. No one is slandering Mr. Schriber . . . it’s all true, and he has admitted his guilt. Mr. Schriber has fully earned all of the bad that is going to come his way. Karma is a bitch.

      • Logjam, how could anyone with comprehension skills believe I was referring to Schriber? Laura’s “letter” was a slanderous diatribe about Winnecke and if you can’t recognize it, go back to school and pay attention this time.
        This type of “letter” belittles the author more than the target.
        and the target doesn’t need help in being any smaller.

        • The problem is your writing skills, not logjam’s reading comprehension. I thought that is what you meant, too. Please point out the “slander” you are accusing me of. Now that the Mayor changed his story again today, it is even more clear that he is a liar.

  3. Very true LKB. But then I remember that you support a woman for president who was found to crooked to work on prosecuting the crook Nixon. That kind of takes the edge off your letter.

    • Very true, I.E.. She supports the woman who also conducted the war on women who dared tell the truth about her husband. Her field general in that war, incidentally, was none other than ABC “newsman” George Stephanopoulos.

    • I happen to be a Sanders supporter and donor. I would support a striped ape over the entire Republican field for president, though.

      • C’mon. That’s funny. (Jeb isn’t one of those)

        Today and tomorrow are gonna be mud throwing days, I guess. Bring on that Greg guy…

        • Jeb is a lousy candidate. Either Bernie or Hillary would be much better than him, but I doubt he’ll be the candidate.

      • Speaking of that, Laura. Had Schroeder not withdrawn, would you vote for him or Weaver? Why?

        • I would have not voted for either of them. (Btw, it’s “Schriber.) Since you’re so curious, I’ll tell you how I am voting. I will vote for two Democrats and two Republicans. I’m supporting Demos Gail Riecken and Alex Burton, and Republicans J.D. Strouth and Michelle Mercer will get my votes. There is no contest for my Ward Council seat. If there was I would probably vote for the Republican.

          I don’t usually vote for three in the “vote for up to three” races and I won’t be doing it this year. Does that satisfy your curiosity??

        • I said ALL of the Republicans running, didn’t I? No, I am not making a racist slur at one of your candidates, but it’s funny that you tried to set that one up.

          • NO, you compared an ape to a black person, therefore, by the Democrat Party playbook, you ARE a racist.

          • I didn’t set that one up. I was doing my impression of a Democrat who paints all Obama critics as being racists.
            Thanks for correcting me on Schriber. My bad.
            Also, thanks for your honesty about supporting openly socialist Bernie.

        • Just to set the record straight, I would NEVER vote for Ben Carson because I think he is mentally ill. I voted for Barack Obama twice, because I believe he is the best qualified of the candidates he faced. Neither time did race figure into my decision.

  4. This sordid episode is exactly why “early voting” is NOT a good idea. I think we need to end the early voting immediately and go back to the absentee ballot for people who can not get to the polls on election day.

    • RIght. Of course you do PAK. This Schriber thing is a rare and extreme example, and EVEN IT will work out fine and keep the candidate out of office.
      (PAK, your comment reminds me of the LYING claims of widespread multiple voting. Made to restrict voting.)

      But pull those guns NOW Pressanykey. Advocate voter suppression!!
      This behavior from those who seek to disingenuously restrict voting access…is disgusting and immoral. Seeking opportunities to inhibit a citizen’s right to vote. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing PAK.

    • I think you will find that early voting works well for the most part. You seem to want to make the perfect the enemy of the good. This is a freaky, exceptional case and we should treat it for what it is. There is much less chance of fraud in in-person voting than voting by mail.

      • There is no need for early voting. If a person can not make it to the poll for legitimate reasons, or if they are just lazy and do not want to leave their home on election day, they can vote absentee. This system would have saved many people from casting a vote for someone they now regret voting for in the current local election.

  5. Well, it seems that the Mayor thought his story over and decided he needed to add to it. A little after noon, the paper is reporting that he now claims that the Police didn’t tell him that Jack confessed. It reminds me of when my children were small, and one would be lying about something. They would think about their story and come back and “dress it up” in order to look more innocent. Yep, seems right. Winnecke copes about as well as a four-year-old.

    • Yea that’s intuition and a deserved trait given naturally to parents around the globe. While eyes are on this tepid scandal keep your intuition on high alert around that pig weaver if your are a somewhat attractive lady out for the evening on your town. The pig uses the “ole Bill Cosby methodology” in pursuit of an evenings fun for himself. They need to investigate that, find his source and punish all of them according to your laws. Disgusting that that’s allowed to continue forward there. In the mean time ladies, if weavers in the house keep an discriminating eye on your beverages. That pig.


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