Letter to the Editor by Gail Riecken


State Representative Gail Riecken

To the Editor:

Andrea Neal’s recent column about the state’s Department of Child Services (DCS) highlighted the very concerns that worry so many of us who are disturbed about the agency and other departments under this administration.

More specifically, we are concerned that this column continues to advocate a delivery of services promoted by this administration that runs contrary to DCS’ goal of protecting the safety of children.

By describing these concerns in simplistic terms that reduce them to complaints that range from “DCS is taking too many kids” to “DCS is not taking enough kids,” the administration prefers to simplify issues rather than understand the root causes of the problems that so many of us have with this agency and its leader.

When the common refrain of “standardizing services” is used to explain changes made to any state department – be it DCS or the Family and Social Services Agency (FSSA) or the Department of Workforce Development (DWD) in its handling of unemployment insurance claims – what it truly means is that experienced, trained local departments are being ravaged in order to bring all resources to a centralized location in Indianapolis.

This control means two things. It gives leadership a better chance to keep an eye on all workers and keep a lid on opinions and actions that run contrary to the company line, and it gradually erodes the decision-making away from the local officials who have the hands-on experience and expertise to deal with problems at the local level.

This philosophy of management runs completely contrary to the missions these agencies should follow. There is no trust, no training and no investment in local officials to make important decisions. Rather, the approach is “Take it to Indy and we’ll hope for the best.”

What is the result?

At DCS, an inefficient, ineffective hotline that hurts kids.

At DWD, a system that requires out-of-work Hoosiers to wait more than 8 weeks to get their first check.

At FSSA, continued mismanagement that causes sick Hoosiers to lose benefits through no fault of their own.

In so many ways, our state government is failing to live up to its responsibilities. All of us who serve the people of Indiana need to recognize that fact, and work to truly improve services.

Gail Riecken

State Representative

Indiana House District 77


  1. This is a great example why people respects State Representative Gail Riecken because she takes on the hard issues.

    Where in the heck does Crouch, Beacon, Wendy Mac stand on this issue?

    • Where were Crouch, Bacon, and Windy when Gail was fighting the Vectren rate increase as well?? Brava, Rep. Riecken, and thank you for standing for those who can’t stand for themselves (whether they realize it or not)!!

  2. Wow – “In so many ways, our state government is failing to live up to its responsibilities.” Does one of those “ways” include avoiding showing up at an elected one’s place of employment and hiding out in Illinois for several weeks? Mrs. Pot, please meet Mr. Kettle…

    • jlspike please stay on subject.

      I agree with civic center comments about Gail doing an outstanding job concerning the hard issues,

  3. Thanks Gail for looking after our childen.

    My wife and I are strong Republicans and shall be voting for you this coming November because your stand up to correct the wrongs in government.

  4. Was the results any different in prior administrations? How has the environment changed? Is this administartion being helt to a higher standard? Is this a political emotional appeal? I would like to take things at face value but we live in a time where almost everything must be questioned.

    • I think what Gail has said is straightforward. The Daniels administration has focused on centralizing all power in Indianapolis, from the agencies she listed to many more, including the DMV, which is why we now have our licenses and other documents mailed to us instead of receiving them in our local branches. Concentrated power is dangerous. May this also be an example of the case AGAINST consolidation, but I digress.

  5. Very proud of Gail for taking on the establishment head on.

    I can’t vote for her put my parents shall.

    Refreshing to see an elected official taking the high moral ground instead of the low political ground on important social issues.

  6. What is the “TOP GUN” opinion about Mrs. Riecken stance on this issue?

    I guess he to busy preaching to the voters his right wing political views to the masses instead taking on important social issues.

  7. Thanks you Gail for standing up and being counted on this important social problem that has been messed up by governmental officials.

  8. OK, people. How long has Ms. Riecken been “serving” her constituents in the Legislature? Looking over the comments on this article I see that we have a bunch of bobble head dolls reflexively nodding up and down about how terrible things are at the Department of Child Services. Hey Gail, where the Hell have you been for all these years? Have you forgotten that you are the Incumbent in this election? You are the candidate in this election who has caught yourself sleeping at the switch! Who are you going to blame this failure on-your opponent?

    And as for all of the bobble head commentators enumerated above, why aren’t you holding Mrs. Riecken accountable for the failures at the Department of Child Services? This woman has had abundant opportunities to improve state government, but somehow thinks that our problems are somebody else’s fault! Mrs. Riecken’s claims are ridiculous, and she needs to retire to baking cookies.

    • Where the Hell have you been, Dr. J? Clearly you are the one not paying attention as this is not the first time that Rep. Riecken has addressed this issue. I will ask you, other than Rep. Crouch who bucked the party-line when she railed against the Daniels administration for their FSSA SCREW UP, where have the Republican State Reps from our area been? HUH? Oh…yeah…they have been: A) Attacking unions with their bogus RTW, B) Gutting our education system, C) Infringing on our personal rights by focusing on the RIDICULOUS “Marriage Amendment.” Where have your Rethuglican brethren been?

  9. Dr.John-not the night tripper ploease don’t get personal.

    Point of order. Why didn’t you also blame rest of the local State Reps?

    It’s well known that the Governor set the direction of Child Services when he appoints the person to run it daily. The only real control our State Reps have over this agency is the approval of the annual busget.

    I honestly think Gail does a fine job for us at the state house. I’m an extremely conservative Republican and shall be voting for her this November. However, I diagree with her stance concening unions issue.

    • At the end of the day, Gail is working hard for ALL of us; to make sure we all have good paying jobs, a great public education, and can afford to live in our daily lives. Thank you for being a common-sense conservative!

      • Gail was elected to get things done. She has failed, ergo she should be replaced. Quit making excuses for a failure.

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